ShawnGeni live webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “ShawnGeni live webcams for YOU!

  1. It seems that the worst part of this is that his attraction is conditional. We can't go through our lives being perfect, and it seems like it would be incredibly difficult to be in a relationship that depends on continuing to meet someone's arbitrary standards.

    If you're relationship was good otherwise, and this was the expression of a preference – without your intimacy being effected, then I'd be much more reassuring. But the idea of confronting you with this after 6 months should be imho, a deal breaker.

    And imho 161 is a perfectly fine and healthy weight for 5'7″, especially if you're active. And if you're eating healthy food, then you're probably stronger and more resilient than most. (and if you want to lose 10 pounds that's perfectly fine – but losing 30 probably wouldn't be good).

  2. Just read the edits – you guys are fucking insane if you think this level of manipulation will change. If the rescind money I wouldn't put it past them to bullshit about grandma. Put your feet down all you want, they'll pull the rug from under you when it suits them

  3. Please don’t excuse his behavior because he was allegedly drunk. Drunk words and actions are true ones. He couldn’t deny anything because you had already seen what he did. Same as before, couldn’t deny because you heard it personally. If you continue to forgive him, he will continue to hurt you. Your repeated forgiveness has made it, in his mind, ok. Because he isn’t held accountable for his actions and there are no real consequences. I’m not blaming you, his actions are his own, but know your worth and what you deserve. You deserve to be with someone who is honest and puts you before his need to get off. He is a walking red flag. You may feel you’ve been together for however long, so it would be wasted time. The question is how much longer do you want to waste being disrespected? He has shown you who he is twice, believe him.

    Also, sounds like he is lining himself up for a bunch of sexual harassment cases. He is putting his business at risk. He literally could lose it which he would deserve.

  4. It's cruel, and I think she's trying to force a divorce anyway. Poor OP deserves better. For their own sanity, they need to get out because this level of abuse will only get more cruel. There are decent partners out there, and being alone is better than being mentally tortured. She's trying to destroy him and laughing about it. Open marriages can be a mutually acceptable arrangement, but to do this unilaterally is just plain cheating. She's attacking his manhood, and it's just abuse. He is a real man, and he deserves much better. I could never do this to my husband it's vile. It also smacks of financial abuse with all of the assets being in her name. It's not a partnership, and I'm sure that all of this would add up to unreasonable behaviour for a divorce without the proof of cheating.

  5. His wife is not a child to be censured or punished,you troglodyte. The correct response would have been to address the issue and his wife as a god-damned adult. You people are fucking weird.

  6. At the very least, you need to go yourself. You can learn about why you're willing to put up with abusive behavior.


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