Sofi-fit online sex chats for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Sofi-fit online sex chats for YOU!

  1. That’s the thing is that if he’s working from home then it accommodates just him and his work. He has meetings multiple times a day which mean that I have to be quiet. And going in public is not alone time to me. His office is 15 minutes away.

  2. And this is not the first time! He's not only a cheating asshole, he's a moron because he didn't learn from the first time he got caught that way.

  3. Think twice about marrying this guy. Has he ever put you and your relationship first before his brother. I think the bill for the cancellation of the wedding should go to your ex fiance and your ex brother in law to be. Run as fast as you can. He doesn't really see you. All he sees is his brother. Move on and watch your life improve. Get rid of all the excess weight of really being the only one who really is in this relationship.

  4. Your gut feelings about this are correct and anybody saying otherwise has their own reasons for wanting you to doubt them

  5. Okay, first off, I never said that a week stay fixed everything. I never even implied that. Secondly, my partner did check himself into the hospital because he was having suicidal thoughts. The hospital kept him there until he was stable enough to leave and in contact with a psychiatrist. Like I said, he is going to therapy, but not regularly. I suggested that he try going once a week because his mom helps pay for it but I was met with the excuse that his therapist is too busy and he doesn’t want to call the office to schedule more appointments. And no, I’m not just going to accept the whole “well that’s just how he is” because it’s not. That just sounds like the lazy man’s excuse that enables people with mental illness. I’m not here to enable my partner, Im here to find the best way to support him. I know my partner, and I know how nude he can work and I know how he is when he is healthy. I didn’t come here to get ostracized, I came to ask for advice on how I communicate my concerns without making him feel worse about himself. I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and reply, but you did not give me even an ounce of helpful advice.


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