Sofihunt on-line webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Sofihunt on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It is his task alone to rebuild trust. He broke it, he repairs it. This is how a mature adult accepts responsibility. If you don't like it, communicate that and let him make his choice. But also be sure to enact the consequences you see fit. Really if you had this emotional affair would you disregard his concerns? Probably not. Always ask yourself what you would do and whether it aligns with your morals and communicate those. If your morals diverge that much and he can't see your point, then honey he is taking you for granted and that should never be the case in a loving relationship.

  2. Your entire view and mindset are contrary to having a healthy relationship with anyone. You are literally the problem. You desperately need to seek therapy regarding your mindset. I promise you finding a way to mature and change your mindset will do nothing but help you. Good luck

    Also, reading your comments and responses… I double down on the need for therapy and a change of mindset/perspective.

  3. Yes, end the relationship.

    It will only get worse when you marry.

    He is set in his ways and will not change.

    Save yourself from a world of hurt. He’s really not bringing anything to the relationship.

    It’s better to be alone then miserable.

  4. He doesn’t deserve before work bjs, You telling him you’re not going to have sex with him because he keeps ignoring what you consented to you and your boundaries is not to threatening him about withholding sex. It’s removing his access to you because he won’t respect boundaries. Remember that.

  5. Tbh it sounds like she needs a therapist to help with her sleeping problems and to vent her frustrations to. That’s a lot to put on you, when you don’t know how to help.

  6. So let me get this straight. You want to sleep with random men, get pregnant with the rando’s baby and make your husband raise it? Why don’t you go through a sperm donor if you’re so desperate? If you want to sleep with other men, then you need to be single.

  7. Appropriate time to freeze might be if she felt she might be in physical harm. Don’t freeze if someone is touching you inappropriately and you can safely move. Also, your theory doesn’t really make sense since OP said she didn’t freeze and wasn’t even aware that she was being touched.

  8. This will not work in a long run. In the short run, both of you be happy and ignore the socioeconomics. Take the high road while you guys last. No. Do not make a fuss about it.

  9. Cheaters need no exuse, only opportunity.

    There is nothing you can do, it has has nothing to do with you, only her.

    You could have been everything or nothing for her, she would have cheated anyways.

    There is nothing wrong with you, all with her, remember this when you go on.

    My advice is to ghost her hot, do not speak to her about your reasons, because she will only lie, just cut all contact and move on.

  10. It’s normal to charge your girlfriend rent if she lives there, period. She’s trying to say that “well I’m just staying over sometimes so I don’t actually online here” which made sense when she had her own place at her dads. She no longer has that place so your place is now hers as well. She lives there. It honestly sounds to me like she’s just manipulating you to avoid paying rent under the excuse that all her stuff isn’t there so she doesn’t online there, which is bullshit. And she’s dragging it out. She didn’t pay her dad rent and she probably enjoyed that and wants to take advantage of you too. If she is there every night, and treats the place like her own, she lives there. She needs to pay you rent if you ask or she can find her own place.


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