Sottibloom live sex chats for YOU!

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Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it ^_^

8 thoughts on “Sottibloom live sex chats for YOU!

  1. No she makes time for me. She drinks to get fucked up though and I get concerned because she dabbled in drugs before I knew her. So there are other reasons why I am feeling a little annoyed.

  2. He found someone vulnerable and took advantage of the situation.

    He thought you were just a toxic stereotype dumb woman, and wanted to financially abuse you.

    He doesn’t want a smart woman. He wants an uneducated woman who doesn’t know she’s worth so much more.

    He knew he could do bare minimum and just show basic, bare minimum kindness, and you would be so grateful after your past experience. But he never showed you basic respect. Never. Assumed from the start that you were clueless and dumb.

    Don’t get back in contact. Change your bank account and passwords if you gave him access to your financial accounts.

  3. You said “you believe he had flirted behind your back” but how did you come to that assumption based off ONE interaction.

    If anything, you were rude for wearing earbuds in a public place while trying to have a conversation. You're also being petty by stating you'll flirt with someone else to pay him back.

    All this confirms you are not ready for a serious relationship. That behavior is toxic.

  4. You need to let the relationship run its course and politely decline being involved in their dreams.

  5. Just a few questions, to get more insight. Is your girlfriend currently seeking therapy/medication, just because it almost sounds like she’s struggling with her mental health and isn’t aware of the toll it’s taking on you. If what you say is true, that things were good until baby #1 came along, I can imagine she’s still in a bad place since she didn’t seek help for PPD the first time. My best friend was the same, she was in a really bad place and thought she could overcome things on her own, avoiding medication as well because because she didn’t believe in it. A few years later, she’s on medication and doing so much better than ever. Another question is, you mentioned in the first paragraph that you both had healthy lines of communication. Is sitting her down at any free point during the day, an option? Not getting angry or upset at each other, but explain your side of things while validating that taking care of a child/being a homemaker is a job itself.


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