SpringChamomile online sex cams for YOU!

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Can be people here such nice crazy and kill that goal ? Let’s Check it 😀 [8761 tokens remaining]

11 thoughts on “SpringChamomile online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Plot twist: In the meanwhile, he is posting on another parallel Reddit that his partner (you) are trying to convince that lack of giving compliments on a daily basis is a reasonable excuse for you to be irritable and your mood is justifiably dependent on how much you get it.

  2. He's made zero indication contact from you would be anything but welcome. That's not overstepping at all it's tremendously thoughtful.

  3. Right? I doubt he even knows the biology behind how is own species fucking reproduces. If he did he wouldnt be blaming her for a miscarriage. Teenagers are more informed than this clown of an adult

  4. Don't you dare let her tie you up don't trust anyone you date no matter how much they manipulate you. Stay smart

  5. Some of the comments higher up put it well. He’s enjoying these women’s fear and the power he has over them before they realize they’re ok.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (28M) Met this girl online (23F). I asked her if she wanted to skip the small talk and grab a drink like normal people. We met up, had a good time, she slept over (no sex, just oral). We went our separate ways in the morning. We stayed in contact all day and told her I had a good time, I would like to do it again sometime. She agreed and felt the same.

    Both of us are extremely busy individuals with jobs and responsibilities. Nude for us to find a day to get together. Finally found a day to meet up, 10 days after the first date. In between that time I tried to remain friendly and in contact. 2 days after the first date she says “ I don’t talk to her enough”. Talked to her a little bit more after that, staying friendly. I’m more of a believer that texting is for small talk and setting up dates. I rather call which I did.

    Anyways, I didn’t contact her for a week because I was busy. Also, I wanted to see if she would contact me. She didn’t. I texted her because we finally had the same day off. She Didn’t confirm the date for 12 hours. I told her she’s a bad texter. She replied immediately, saying that “my inconsistency in communication makes me uninterested”. I replied “the phone works both ways”. I also replied “the fact that we are having silly issues this early in the game makes me uninterested as well. Good luck out there”.

    What’s going on here? Did I do something wrong or is she just insecure and clingy?

  7. What are you talking about? He didn’t say that? There are other birth control methods that don’t include hormones?

  8. Ur bf is in the wrong here. U werent. Oh so he can have a dog but u cant? Bs. When u adopt, its for their life. Ive seen dogs with abandonment issues after being given up. Keep the dog, ditch the manchild.

  9. “Hey, I've noticed that things have felt a little awkward over text for the last week. I wanted to check in to see if everything's okay?”

    I don't think you have to ask him directly about being done with it because it's very possible it's not about that at all. But good to make it known that you notice the shift and want to have a conversation about it.


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