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8 thoughts on “Steff & Derek the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well, to the first part of your question, I feel that childhood trauma both consciously and unconsciously affects our adult life. While we may not outwardly express our acknowledgment of said trauma, but we consciously make choices on how we feel, which stem from our experiences. So consciously it’s our reactions, and subconsciously it’s our reactions that stem from said trauma. Does that make sense? There are so many books on the subject one doesn’t stand out to recommend. You need to find one, if that’s what you want, that relates more specifically to the trauma you experienced. Actually one just popped into my head but I can’t recall the name…something about Tiger. If I remember I’ll add it to the thread.

    To your second question, I’m not sure what you mean by “getting up to speed on therapy” means. Are you in therapy and it’s going nowhere or learning about new therapies? Sorry, I’m tired ? and I want to make sure I understand your question.

  2. OMG. He's gay. He might be too religious to admit it even to himself, but that is the only logical solution to this riddle.

  3. He’s abusive. Why can’t you go to family or friends? You need to beg for help from whoever is in your life. You need to get away from this man.

  4. I should’ve clarified that she didn’t make these drawings, they were posted on Twitter by other accounts, the artists themselves I suppose. I don’t think she’d get in trouble considering they were posted by others, but still doesn’t change the fact that they were liked. I don’t know her intentions, especially considering nothing beforehand was even hinted at with any of this. I think it’s unlikely she was trying to recruit me, but who knows. I don’t think I’ll continue the relationship though. There are no excuses for this type of behavior, something they admitted themself.

  5. My ex cheated on me, and we continued the relationship afterwards.

    I completely understand how she's feeling. You're so hurt and scared, you constantly want your partner to understand how much that fucking hurt and ruined your trust. You want them to feel what you felt, and continue to remind them of it.

    He had the same concerns as you, and when he brought it up, I got defensive, just like your girlfriend.

    I thought “Oh okay, so you can cheat on me and I'm just supposed to pretend like nothing happened?”.

    Even though I understand how she's feeling, this isn't the right or a healthy way to deal with it at all.

    Something both us of were guilty of while having an argument/or discussion was bringing up past issues to avoid discussing the issue at hand. Just like she did in your text.

    The first thing I would do is adress that. Explain that if there's something she wants to discuss that she feels haven't been cleared up, you'll be happy to do so. But right now, the topic is X. When we're done talking about X and feel like we've cleared it up, we can talk about Z.

    This can be hot in the beginning, but when either of you are beginning to switch focus and playing the blame game, just remind each other of the rule.

    Another thing is that it won't help either of you to constantly bring up the same issue over and over again. This will just cause you to hold grudges against each other and won't solve anything.

    Explain that you're truly sorry for what happened in the past, and you're aware of how badly your actions hurt her and you want to do anything to fix it. But you've had this discussion multiple times before, and that there's nothing either you or her can say to add any more perspective to the situation.

    If she has a moment of insecurity, she can tell you that and you'll happy to hold her and tell her how beautiful she is. But you won't continue to answer questions like “Why did you do it?” “Is she prettier than me?” “What does she have that I don't?”. You have already talked about this, a conversation like that won't lead to anything other than both of you getting upset.

    This is very therapist-y but it's important and works, think about your language. If you say something like “You always do this, I couldn't reply to your message and you block me from everything and then say it's my fault. But you can do the same shit and that's okay? You always make everything my fault”.

    Naturally, we will get into defensive mode when someone comes to us with this accusatory attitude, even if it's true.

    Avoid exaggerating by saying “You always..” and also, focus more on how her actions made you feel. Speak from an “I” perspective.

    For example: “I felt like you didn't give me a chance to speak when you got upset with me the other night. It's important to me that we're able to communicate clearly in our relationship, and it upset me when you blocked my text and calls”.

    Just a quick example, but communicating like this is an easy way to avoid someone getting into defensive mode.

    And some no brainers are no raising your voice, no screaming, etc. If it gets too much, it's okay to communicate that and take a break and continue the conversation later.

    Yes, you really fucked up by cheating on her, and you should do your part to make her trust you again. But at the same time, she made the choice to continue being in a relationship with you. She also has a responsibility to make the relationship work. She chose to forgive you, and if she can't truly do so and let go, then she needs to rethink this relationship.

    This is just conflict resolution and communication 101, which is a skill in itself. Read about it, learn, make mistakes. Knowing how to correctly communicate with each other and solve conflicts is extremely important in a relationship.


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