Stella!!! it is my second day ,i new here the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Stella!!! it is my second day ,i new here on-line sex chat

14 thoughts on “Stella!!! it is my second day ,i new here the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your post is very important but not for the reasons you might think.

    The Good News is, in your case you have done an excellent job identifying an important area of growth and communication.

    Lots of people who have not grown through their Social Awareness phase continue to use material from their teens and get EXACTLY the pattern you describe.

    Human Intimacy NEEDS to be expressed on all Four Planes of Human Existence.

    a.) Physical… explanation necessary

    b.) Emotional……and I DONT mean “emotionally-charged behavior”. I mean the expression, understanding and acceptance for the feeling engendered by recognizing the traits in oneself and one's SO. Each and every one of us longs to be affirmed for how and why we are who we are. I did NOT say “acknowledged” or “validated”….thats the next step. Affirmations are communications we give ourselves and others encouraging the attitudes they bring to life. Women bring variant traits to men, which is how Affirmation becomes so important. Both men and women need this.

    c.)Intellectual…… NOW we can talk about acknowledgement and validation since these are Cognitions and generally reflect on Outcomes relative to intentions. If emotion is regarding the persons “how and why”, Intellectual is validating the Way we are and how that brings good into our lives. Self-determination and autonomy, or independent thinking along with critical thinking are all indications a partner can hold their own and be a productive part of a bond and need to recognized for their qualities.

    d.)Spiritual……..and I am NOT talking about going to church, although…oddly….. that could be one aspect. Our Spiritual plane is the keeper of our Beliefs the way our Intellect is the keeper of our thoughts and our Emotional plane the keeper of our feelings. Using intuition we seek to accept those views or positions for which we have no Concrete facts. If we had facts we'd be using our Intellect. Sometimes we have to take things at face-value and risk…..kinda like a high-wire act without the net. Our intuition helps us reduce the risk by weighing the value of a position without any actual evidence.


  2. It's the base of many a sexist trope, and unless you clarify what you're asking it's going to be assumed that's the tree you're barking up. Making initial judgements based entirely on how many parents someone has had is shitty and immature behaviour.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (24F) just moved to the US and have been here for a year and a half. I had trouble making friends and have only been hanging out with coworkers. I work nights and my coworkers and I usually go to a bar after work because it's the only place open during those hours.

    One day my one coworker who doesnt go out much came out with us for the first time. We were excited so we started taking shot after shot. After a while, people started going home and i am left with my coworker (29M). I was a little bit drunker than I'd like to admit so I stayed there to sober up. He was being a gentleman and was helping me while i was throwing up and walked me to my car.

    I woke up to him talking to his wife on the phone and overheard the following, “What do you want me to do? I cant just leave her…”, so I thanked him, apologized, asked him to go home and so he did.

    His is wife (39F) is also a coworker who just started and is currently under training. The three of us have hung out before so I thought it would be better for me to apololgize to her as well, remembering what I overheard. After that incident, i apologized to her about what happened and she said it was all good and said she's glad im back home safe.

    Despite this, i had a feeling that that was not the end of it and that the couple were fighting about this incident. Sure enough, two months after this, I received random passive aggressive messages from the wife implying that i have been flirting with her husband. She brought up what happened on that night again. I've only been hanging out with him after work just for breakfast. My coworkers know that I have no other friends and in my perspective, he's just like an older brother.

    Her recent messages called me a home wrecker and a flirt. I don't know how to respond to this. I don't want to cause issues at work. Advice? TIA!

    P.S. I've never been in a relationship before but I am currently seeing someone. They both know this.

  4. Hello /u/ConsiderationOk3970,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  5. This is one of the weirder ones I've come across on here so far. Why is a 36 yo man putting so much on his 25 yo brother? It's just so wrong and, frankly, your fiance is enabling his behaviour. Until fiance grows a pair and realises he isn't supposed to be the unqualified doctor to his brother, you will always play second fiddle…you and everyone else around the two of you, it seems. I can't for the life in me figure out why you're still planning to marry him. Willing to bet money on the fact he will miss the birth of your children because his brother is too much of a chicken shit to get some actual, professional help and will have another meltdown. If I were the friend who paid for all of this, I'd be cutting the both of you out, this is a new level of rudeness towards them.

  6. Read the original post. I have cystic acne. Dirty sheets make me breakout within the hour. They aren't my sheets. I'm no ones maid. I care about my skin and have to be aware about it. Sorry you lack hygiene too and see nothing wrong with not washing ur sheets?

  7. He sounds like a mooch and a loser. I'm glad you've found this out before wasting money on him. I hope you have a nice trip and find some more normal friends who aren't going to try to use you.

  8. I'm thinking this is it too. This relationship sounds exhausting. OP, there are worse things than being single. This relationship looks like one of them to me

  9. Problem here is she was lying. She literally lied initially then said she was SA'd after she realized he knew she wasn't on a friend couch.

  10. Yeah, when you enter a relationship under the premise of monogamy and THEN decide to say “hey how about a threesome or open relationship”, more often than not it will not end well. If you want threesomes or an open relationship that is something both people need to be on board with from the get go. Also, IF,m you decide you want to feel the other person out on the matter you DON’T tell them you want it with someone with which they are friends. It would definitely make most question, “well why are you with me then? Why are you with them if you want them?” or “if we were to do such a thing would they want to be with them instead?”


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