SugarEmmy on-line webcams for YOU!

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panties [Multi Goal]

7 thoughts on “SugarEmmy on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Exact same thing with my parents, with the genders reversed. If OP is not just a troll, her kids will still be cursing her daily long after she dies of old age. All of her efforts as a mother to date are now ashes.

  2. I understand hatred very well.

    What else would you call virulent misogyny – the sort that clouds your judgement to the point you go on unrelated rants like you seem to have – other than hatred?

    Do you believe it’s possible to think shitty things about an entire gender or have prejudice against an entire gender without hating them?

  3. I think there's a lot he can do besides therapy and just accepting this terrible situation.

    The best way to work on his resentment towards his wife is to directly address why he feels upset rather than letting things fester. I think he most likely feels upset because his wife hasn't taken his concerns seriously, she just told him to ignore all the comments people make and wait for things to blow over. This can easily be addressed if he talks to his wife and explains how this is affecting him. He is socially isolated, constantly feels judged, and it's affecting his relationship with his daughter. If they come up with strategies together to deal with all of that, he will feel that his wife is on his side.

    He also made it clear in the post that he doesn't want to keep living in this area, that he feels that his wife is the reason they live there and why he still has to deal with this bullying. This can also be addressed by talking to her, and bringing up the idea of moving elsewhere. Mayne they can set up a timeline, that if the situation doesn't improve, they will move.

  4. My goodness… Have you forgotten the years of history between them where if he had some sort of hatred for “porn stars” (very different from somebody who has done a few “adult films” btw but let's make it as sensational as possible, right?) she would have probably picked up on that somewhere along the line and may have felt compelled to tell him. You do not have some magic device that is going to tell you EVERYTHING that happened in somebody's past and if you're so naive to think people are just going to disclose all the worst aspects of themselves, I don't know what to tell you. You have to understand that people make mistakes. You as their partner are not all of a sudden owed some sort of explanation… They trust one another and that's something obviously lost on you… My take (and obviously OPs too) was not that she was being deceptive, but she wanted to leave her past in the past… She's a different person now.

    People also do this weird thing where because they've never done anything they perceive of being “as bad” as somebody else, that they are in a position to judge and are somehow virtuous. Forgiveness is virtuous. And it is possible to forgive somebodys mistakes without making them fucking spit out every detail. You're never going to know everything about your partner. It's not the point. Do you trust them or not? And that is what makes this different from normal posts.


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