Sunamon on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Sunamon on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Something is off here, your guys communication is bad! I think she doesnt feel for you nearly what you feel for her! Move on man, she’s attracted to and mating with another guy, and hardly talks to you but fleeting passes at the store? She does t like you bro!

  2. Thats what my father did to my mother my entire childhood and I have grown resentful of him because of that.

    If there is no way to stop him from doing that then please leave him.

  3. It sounds like now you don’t trust her. So you need to speak to her. “This incident is making me nervous. Who was this guy and why was he giving you his info.” If he was some rando that approached her and then she ignored him, then fine. Are you both good with allowing friends of the opposite sex? And if you truly feel like she’s not telling the whole truth then maybe you should ask one or her friends. After that if you’re still mistrustful then you need to ask yourself what you want to do. Spending a year on a lease with someone when you feel suspicious is torture. Clear the air or move on.

  4. Yeah he’s stated before that he thought it stretched easily and wondered why it wasn’t the same as the vagina. I told him it has to be slow and work up to it, and that’s why people use butt plugs to train. It’s definitely not a fast thing. I really really wish and hope it was accidental. But I’ll be talking to him.

  5. He does not work corporate. I don't want to give too much info. There is no need to network with his coworker.

  6. Make that part of your talk then: she should know that you’re on her side while he’s opposed to you being on her side.


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