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14 thoughts on “Sunny | the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm afraid your can't do much at this point. Be there for her, listen to her. If she decides to break up, let her.

  2. I'm sorry but, Your insecurities are no ones problem but your own. It's like going on tiktok and seeing someone's sh scars and saying to hide it because it triggers you

    The situation isn't the same with my example but it's the same context.

    Now few days ago he told me that he feels it would be fair if I did the same with men, if there's a dude without his shirt on then I should skip it as well. He calls it leading by example. But it's complete and utter bullshit. He doesn't really mind if I watch guys without their shirts on, and I don't want to skip that becuase it's most of the time an important part of the show/movie.

    The fact that he should skip scenes with a girls OUTLINE of her breasts is ubsurd

    even if just outlines.

    So why, should he be fine with you watching a guy without a on?

    Dubble standards here. It IS unfair

    If it bothers you that much when seeing it on the TV with your bf, then don't look, go on your phone, keep YOURSELF busy till the scene is over because one again it's your insecurity, so YOU should do something to keep yourself busy and not focus on the scenes, it's not your bf's job to do this

  3. He refuses to admit the therapy is at all for him though, it's all for me. But hey. I guess I'll take it for progress.

    How are you expecting to progress when he won't admit that he has any share in fixing your issues? You realize if the counselor assigns any responsibility to him he's just going to quit, right? It's not progress for him to agree to go to therapy so YOU can be blamed for everything.

    Your comments paint a really bleak picture. You never spend time together, his hygiene disgusts you, he refuses to work on your problems, he won't even admit there ARE any problems…if you two didn't have kids together, would you stay?

  4. He didn’t tell me it was “the last pill”. The problem here is… you should never want to have to make your spouse so miserable that one extra day of your crap is the straw that broke the camels back. You are self centered and completely lack any self reflection and an understanding of what a good relationship takes to function. Please go to therapy.

  5. As he's given the value in gbp, 6 figures is way more unlikely here than say somewhere like the states I'd say. I'd have a maid if I made six figures in the UK. The top earners in my team at the bank I work for, who work analysing financial crime, earn ÂŁ50,000 before tax. My friend who's a lawyer for tesco bank, doesn't even earn six figures.

    On a quick Google, 1% of the UK population have a salary above 120k apparently. So yeah, very unlikely a self proclaimed lazy neglectful person is in the top earners in the country.

  6. I understand your want to be vague, but without knowing what was said, I don't see how you could possibly expect strangers to give you advice on why your bf is so hurt.

    The nature of telling your SO details about your sexual past is always going to be bad, but it can vary greatly depending on what was said.

  7. Talk to an attorney but if the marriage license has not been mailed in with witness signatures yet, this whole thing might be able to be nullified.

    Your husband is an AH. If he doesn't trust his groomsmen then why is he even friends with him. If he doesn't trust you, why did he marry you?

    Get out now before you waste the next several years trying to make this mess work.

  8. Why don't you tell your dad the first point? That she won't get much inheritance anyway, it will all go to her brother. That maybe your dad should look for girls who promise more inheritance. This might stall him a bit and by then you can convince your dad to pay for your education. Say your education will bring in prospects of a richer household with a richer inheritance that you can marry into. This is a shitty situation, but if your father is that much of a money minded goblin then well, speak his language.

  9. real i did not read this as flirtatious i see it more like she’ll be upset if i don’t meet her expectations and hold it against me

  10. He doesn’t love you. People who love you, spell your fucking name right in their contact list when they are dating you. They definitely do not scream at you in the middle of a store.

    You really need to change your definition of love to something less verbally and emotionally abusive.

  11. I don't want to wade through the comments on this but, yes , it was inconsiderate for sure and thought kinda thing will stick with you but you can decide what to do.

    She is with you and not them so they probably failed in other aspects that she saw as important.

    I know I am not the biggest my wife had and that's okay because I married her we talked about it earlier it kinda made me struggle for a bit but she says I what she wants in every part of her life and it hasn't come up in more than 13 years.

    If you think your intercourse game is lacking you should ask what you can do to make it amazing. Good luck OP ?

  12. Thank you – it can be lonely to try to find the right path. This is also it is important that you find professional help in a lawyer!!! Best of all!


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