Sylvieclaire live! sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Sylvieclaire live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Look, I get it, some dudes can be kinda lazy, but if you're really into this guy, you gotta make it known what you need from him. Don't just sit around and wait for him to change, you gotta speak up, bruh.

    He's obviously not listenin' to you right now, so you gotta make it clear that you ain't gonna take the lack of affection and love anymore. And, seriously, stop pouncing on him for sex, that's not how it works. You gotta make him want it, not just be available all the time. Show him what he's missing, ya know?

    And, as for the “I love you” thing, don't hold your breath, man. Some dudes just ain't good with the emotions and stuff, and that's okay. But, if it's really important to you, you gotta let him know that too. Communication is key in any relationship, bro.

    And, finally, don't you dare even think about leaving this guy. You love him for a reason, remember that. But, if things don't change, then you gotta make a decision. Don't waste your time on a dude who can't give you what you need.

  2. This is the equivalent of, “I trust you completely but want a paternity test just to be sure.” Yes, she can have the background check, but hell yes, you can absolutely leave her over it. She’s known you for six years. Christ.

  3. If you want to stay in this relationship, I think you need to go to couples therapy. Both to heal the damage she's unequivocally caused as well as to address the lack of trust that's now apparent. I'd refuse a background check, with the caveat that if the therapist finds it reasonable, you'll allow it. I think that's the only balance you can strike that can reasonably assuage her while putting you both in an environment to discuss this fear, as well as why it was hurtful and inappropriate for her to approach you the way she did.

    Otherwise, well. You've already started moving out. No one would blame you for pulling up stakes. This isn't on you, especially since she's doubling down. Sorry dude.

  4. It was the right choice.

    You wont ever be more than a booty call to him. You were fun.

    The age gap, the marriage, the secrets and disrespect are real. Do not gaslight yourself.

    Be strong. Imagine if your 8 yr old self would be proud of you……

    We lead by example. Respect yourself, others follow suite or eject from your life.

    You already went down this rabbit hole. You were not wrong in your interpretation of the experience. Do not repeat.

    Blessings on your journey.

  5. I wonder why he would talk to a family lawyer and his mother about this, if he didn't think it was necessary. Maybe he mentioned to his mom that you were moving in, and mom asked about the agreement, which led to a talk with the lawyer.

    Is there some major income disparity in this relationship? This sounds a lot like someone trying to protect financial assets through contracts, instead of two people deciding to on-line together. They seem worried that you would “take over” the property somehow.

    It isn't clear if he owns the property in question, or rents it. If the latter, the solution would be to see if your name can be put on the lease. This not only clarifies your residence there legally, but also gives you some protections (as well as obligations).

    If he owns it, he could always just have you as a tenant. Get a normal lease, with a nominal rental fee of $1 per month or something like that, which spells out all the stuff that may or may not be done.

    The way I see it, you have the following options:

    Refuse, because you were invited, multiple times, with the condition that no agreement would be involved. Therefore, he is doing a bait-and-switch, no matter how sound his reasons might be. You wouldn't want to on-line with someone who changes conditions on you like this; but you'd have to ask yourself if you even want to stay in a relationship with someone who changes conditions on you mid-stream. It sounds a bit like him inviting you to go on vacation with him where he covers the costs, and once you are on board the airplane he demands that you pay for half, or at least for all the meals. Go along with it for peace. Your relationship with your boyfriend may be just fine, and he's doing this to pacify his mother. (Again, whether you want to be in a relationship with a guy who has to deal with a mother like that is a separate question.) HOWEVER, if you decide to go along with an agreement, get your own lawyer to make sure that your rights are protected, as well as his. Given that a family lawyer is involved, it sounds more like you'll be faced with a legal contract instead of something like a list of house rules the two of you just agree on.

    If you don't know your boyfriend's financial situation, or his family's, you probably need to know. If he were of a wealthy family, I could understand the desire to avoid someone after him for his money. You've been dating for two years, though, and I would think you'd have met his family by now. If your objective was matrimony and lots of pricey gifts and such, that should have already been clear.

    On the face of it, your situation seems more like his mother's doing. Two people living together can work out things like “no pets” or “we take turns cleaning the kitchen” and such. The fact that there are stories out there of crazy girlfriends (or boyfriends) who become squatters and kick out the original occupant doesn't mean that's a common thing that happens, and I suspect that there would be some red flags on the way to such a situation.

    If the family isn't wealthy, this may say more about his mother's paranoia than anything else. Again, you have to talk with your boyfriend about what's going on, and how much his mother's wishes apply in a relationship he has with you.

  6. Oof…really took it too far here. You. OP. Now it just all seems fake and warrants a downvote on all three posts.

  7. “That I was wrong, selfish , and dumb. I ruined our friendship but that I will use this to grow and be a better person”

  8. The emotional turmoil is temporary.

    This is not love by her.

    She is not an angel, don't think of her that way.

    Block her on your end, you need the space.

    Don't go back.

  9. Didn’t know? Did she accidentally stumble fully hard into a boudoir photoshoot when she stepped out of the shower?

    The only way this went down because two adults consented to it. They talked about this and both agreed this was a great idea. The “gift” intention is thinly veiled since it sounds like it was his friends idea more than hers.

  10. I just am confused? Sex was always never an issue? Now all of a sudden nothing? I just am confused?

  11. You're too young to marry.

    Source: personal experience

    Solution: say “I can't marry right now, and I won't marry you, ever. Bye!”

  12. I will never understand why mods delete the post just to copy paste it on a comment, in this case even cutting part of the post, it's just so stupid.


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