Taylor-sam1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Taylor-sam1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. OP, you’re not in love with her; you’re in love with someone who doesn’t exist. The woman you’re in love with is someone she pretended to be and not who she really is. Who she really is, is a woman who tells you lies constantly and does whatever the hell she wants to do WITH ANOTHER MAN! Explore her bisexuality? One lunch meeting that went no where and she starts sleeping with another guy who’s married to someone else for crying out loud! She has sex in his house with his kids sleeping in their rooms! She’s a horrible, selfish cheating person.

    Don’t keep her as your wife. You deserve better.

  2. Society and humanity as a whole depend on people deciding that having a child is better than not having one, so the system is rigged in their favour, as you might say. OP didn't say anything about their choice of birth control, but presumably it's his fault as much as hers that she became pregnant. Therefore, he's as much responsible for the child, too.

    There is a slight unfairness because I the converse situation, men can't force women to have a child if they decide against it. Then again, they don't face the same consequences. In this case, he wouldn't have lost his job or been hospitalised just because he's going to be a father, like she has, and doesn't face the slight but real chance of dying in childbirth. So I think it's ok that the woman has more rights in this.

  3. Why on earth are you together? This doesn’t seem like a very compatible relationship and you seem like you’re trying to change him. Changing someone NEVER works and at least one of you will resent it eventually. This issue is more your expectations than his behavior. It sounds like chill / low key is just who he is. If you want to explore and be active – go explore and be active and/or find someone (even a friend) with similar interests.

  4. It may not be a universal thing but it can’t hurt to ask!

    I just went venue shopping today and that was an option with our venue. The fees were broken out in increments of the total value of the contract.





    If we had to cancel for any reason the funds would be transferable to a future event at that venue. Only the 40% would be refundable in a force majeure I believe.

  5. i am not seeking validation rather asking for advice. if you do not agree with me that’s fine. I am not against different opinions. but to attack me as a person when you know nothing about me or the relationship is where i cross the line. i have people messaging me offering me advice bc they’ve been in these situations whether it’s from my perspective or my bfs. the “argument” we had was more of a respectful debate. there’s no need to get all upset about what I said, you sound bitter and like a cheater ?

  6. In 2018, I bought 2 adjacent houses for 80k in a small town in Montana. I live! in the large house and use the other 3 bdrm as an Airbnb. I've since been given 1 house, and then I bought the abandoned apartment building next door to it for 5k. I fixed up the house and have it rented out to a family. I'm working on another deal. When that closes, I should be grossing close to 7k in rent per month from all the properties. I hope to have the apartments fully renovated within a year, and probably collect an additional 3k.

    My point is, OP is griping about borrowing 150k just to buy 1 house that will be liability. If you can't afford to online somewhere, move to where you can afford it. Man.. the things I could do with 300k…


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