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Introverts a big challenge in a relationship if you're at all at a level of normal social needs. I mean of course none of it means your guy is a bad person or anything just dedicated as an introvert.
Natural enough for you to be going through what you are and doing what you're doing, even the feeling bad part. Natural as can be in your situation. Could be he is happy for you getting out and glad you found an avenue that lets you express yourself that way and fill your needs and isn't causing any kind of domestic issue.
What is unlikely to change is someone who is all in on their introverted nature. It's like pulling teeth to ever get them out. Laundry list of reasons why but nobody is here for that list hah.
I'm a hermit status introvert in a very long term relationship with someone who is very outgoing by nature. How do we make it work? I concede and she concedes and we compromise. I'm aware through experience that if I don't shake myself out of my branch sometimes that it can really jeopardize a relationship. So I go out with her often enough outside my own desire to never do that for any reason.
That's what it takes on my end to make it work. On her end she goes out less than she'd want to ideally and let's me do my artistic head in the clouds forever thing without disturbance to give me the time I need to work with my passions and have my worthwhile moments the room they need to show up. Without getting up my butt about my nature that will never change.
None of the success would have happened though if we hadn't come to an understanding and a middle ground to walk together. There's no healthy relationship where one side gets their way 100% of the time and the other carries the load of that all the time in response. The understanding came through an honest talk. She knows I'm this way, I'm hell bent on it. Been fantasizing about being the only person on the planet since I was a kid, suffer from that disorder although I love people a great deal for everything they are, I generally would rather just not be in proximity to them. She on the other hand is vibrantly outgain and social to a degree it's her life mission. Birds of a feather hah.
But it works. It works because we both work it. What you're doing is natural. What he is up to in unnatural to most but natural for him. So don't feel bad about doing your natural thing, in the same way he shouldn't feel bad for being that way either. Just work together to see what you can find in yourselves to push for compromise knowing not everything in a relationship is easy street.
Advice on how to talk to him? Acceptance of his natural way of being and expression of immense tolerance goes a long way. Because of course nobody wants to be made to feel bad about how they just are yeah, don't need me to say that. Also making your needs clear with a solid expression of how you want to work together to find a way so that you're both enjoying your company more and bother just happier as a result with some work.
Best of luck.
You aren’t compatible. It’s that simple. It’s not you. There are people who don’t want to put in the effort for anyone and your bf is one of them. You’ve asked repeatedly and he’s basically told you he’s not going to make any effort in please you.