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6 thoughts on “. the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam”
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I think I will ask her those questions and just listen. Thank you for your advice.
No, you gave her a second chance and she escalated. Second chance is one thing, you are being a door mat. There is nothing wrong with giving up after truly trying your best and then realizing something is unhealthy for you. If your child comes home and says their partner is abusing them but they love them, what will you suggest?
after rehearsing say that you enjoy spending time with her and ask her if she wants to get food or hangout do an activity etc
That’s a valid point and normally I’m thinking clearly about stuff like this but I really didn’t say anything at the time except like “seriously?” And i do have to start being a little selfish when it comes to this, my feelings are important in this too and i just kinda make them take a backseat to his
Lady, that´s not normal.
He is just being a dick.
My gf doesn't have the same music taste as me but I would never say that to her.
He doesn't respect and deserves you. You deserved to be treated with love and that is not it.
Yeah the chat part would probably easier one on one haha. Any chance you guys could have a chat on social media?