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ThyraHashlive sex stripping with hd cam

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5 thoughts on “ThyraHashlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Oh really? Where is the useful thing that you've said? Not one thing. Just condescending bs that clearly points out you didnt actually read or your comprehension is weak.

    I'm acting immature? How the fuck am I supposed to act then when I learn my friend/girlfriend may die at 22 and I have to go on with my life knowing I finally found the right girl for me? Let's not even get into the way her family is feeling. What makes you qualified to judge me over the internet?

    It was pretty immature to condescend on someone who is looking for resources to help his sick gf even if I am immature. She slept with a huge smile on her face despite being depressed and over worked I'm guessing that's more than you've ever done for anyone including yourself.

  2. Friends who are willing to fuck over other friends and destroy years long relationships for a few minutes of fun. Yep great people you surround yourself with, awesome friends.

  3. Unfortunately there are too many of them and not enough of you, some will be left out…it's usually the “easy” kids.

  4. She cheated on you during the business trip and doesn't have the courage to tell you. She may very well be infatuated with that person. By having you be the one to end it – it alleviates her feelings of guilt, but more importantly will work for her financial favor upon divorce settlement.


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