Tomas&Mateo the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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4 thoughts on “Tomas&Mateo the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. When I find myself in these situations that I am uncomfortable with… I leave.

    I don't think I have any right to decide who my partner keeps or disposes in their life.

    And for arguments sake, lets define this person as a FWB… If my partner kept the FWB around after we defined our relationship.

    Not my cup of tea.

    But I can't expect her to drop someone on a whim.

    If I cannot accept or trust my partners own judgement, then I don't think we're genuinely a good fit.

    Also, take into consideration this:

    At your request, he removed her from his life. And by your approval, he brought her back into his life.

    You have three options from my POV:

    You can leave the relationship. You can befriend her yourself. I know it might be awkward and naked at first. But in the end, everyone wins. You can request what you originally had him do.

    Whatever option you pick, this trust issue situation you're in, needs to go. Its impossible to have a long term healthy relationship when there is something like this on the table.


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