This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
My (33F) bf (34M) of 3 years has just disrespected me and I am currently in the spare room, in tears from lack of sleep and frustration. For reference it is 3:20 AM.
My bf and I moved in together over the summer to his place. I pay him rent. It’s been going well. We have compromised and communicated well- up until tonight. I am shaking I am so angry.
I have two jobs, he has one. Tomorrow (or today I guess) is Christmas Eve. I have forewarned him several times that I work in the morning (and I work from home for this job I work tomorrow). I have to wake up early and my job is one in which a lack of sleep will not help anything, and I need 110% focus. He has known I worked for weeks.
Yesterday he informed me he was going out with his guy friends for “Friendsmas”. Which normally I don’t care for. However he tabled bringing his friends back. I said he needed to be quiet and reminded him I was working in the morning. Now, I expected an arrival time back maybe midnight or 1:00 AM. I was in bed by 11 sleeping. 2:10 AM he and his friends come back, they go to the basement and crank the music up with the base. I wake up not because I heard them come home, but because of the music and base shaking the floors and vibrating the walls. The dog also wakes up and begins crying. I text him and say “please turn down the music base”. It should have been done there.
He came upstairs- drunk, music still blasting, and goes “oh you are still up?”. I said “ya! The music woke me up, turn it down please”. The response? “It’s not that loud”. At this point I am frustrated I snapped and was like “are you fcking kidding? Are you seriously telling me how I feel?!” To which he responded “it can be louder”. Now. I know you cannot negotiate with an intoxicated person. I yelled “I’m asking you to turn it down slightly or turn the base off. Again, I work and I am woken up by this! Don’t be a dck.” and turned over.
If I had somewhere to go I would leave. I am so mad. He has never done anything like this. I moved to the spare room and the music is still blaring and shaking the house.
I am so upset, I almost want to tell him I won’t be going to dinner. At his family’s place today. But I know that’s taking it out on the wrong people. I will be a tired mess tomorrow and likely won’t want to even go cause I am the type to hold anger. It’s important to him that I go and I feel this is the only way to get him to understand.
Do I not go? I will be having this conversation tomorrow but I am currently stunned and in shock with his response to my simple request that was polite and respectful. As I finish typing this it is 3:45 AM and music still blasting.
EDIT: 5:15 AM I finally lost it and went downstairs and told them to turn off the music. They sat there stunned, turned it off and everyone went to bed (I do not condone drinking and driving). I slept in the spare room, and my bf didn’t come to bed (good) at all, and instead slept on the couch. I woke up at 7:30 and have a massive headache. It’s now 10:00 and they are still passed out. I will wait for him to wake up before I tell him I won’t be attending as I do not feel well. I will still make a dish, because I did at the very least say I would contribute, however it will be a simple slow cooker recipe so he can unplug and take it. If there is no apology, or gaslighting/diversion I will be telling him I’ll spend Christmas alone doing my own thing, and I’ll be looking for a new place. Even though this is an isolated incident, I am incredibly hurt and I refuse to be disrespected. I deserve peace in my own home as well.
I would definitely not advice for scheduling, it makes sex feel like a chore, why don't you two reach a compromise by both sacrificing a bit, make it once at night once early in the mornings, have a bit of comprehension that someone is going to be a bit out of the mood until you guys get used to it.
124lb is a really healthy weight especially for your height. And not even close to overweight. Your boyfriend is a dick. Please keep taking your meds. Even if you stop cold turkey the extra pounds wouldn't just magically disappear and stopping with your meds will bring a lot of other problems too. Like you said, it has helped you. To me it sounds like you have insecurities that are related in weight, so that makes it even more fucked uo that your boyfriend calls you that. To me honestly it seems like he is kind of fetishizing really skinny girls.
All of those are symptoms of an immuno deficiency disease. I have a few clients that have lupus or others like that so I’m so sorry you have to go through that.
You are 100% in the right! Hygiene is important and you’re also taking good preventative measures against a UTI. If he can’t shower before sex he’ll just have to handle not getting any. Since you’ve stated why you won’t have sex with him it’s not on you anymore. He can change his ways or accept his fate.
If you think his dad will stab him that's all the more reason to cut him out. I'm not changing my mind about reccomending defending one's self. Also I am very calm, I think you are the only not calm.
We are not going change eachother's minds so lets agree to disagree, you can have the last word.
Wonder if she isn’t American. My friend had a baby in Germany and was having some ppd and her doctors told her to go for a walk. Luckily it wasn’t bad but she has previous depression history and was really worried. But no one would offer up medication.
It’s not an issue for me personally, but in relationships there are usually things that are important to one person and not the other. If it’s important for her, my advice would be to just say it. It doesn’t cause you any harm. It doesn’t seem like a good hill to die on.
Your bf is not an “amazing supportive guy” if he already is trying to control your appearance by saying he will lose interest if you change your appearance with more tattoos. What if you get sick and get really skinny? Cut your hair? Get fat? Get older? It might sound silly now, but it's extremely unrealistic to expect someone to tailor their appearance to please them. Even if you don't get more tattoos, he will find a new thing to demand..
They didn't want to change the status quo, thats why they never said anything. they probably just hoped that if they ignored it long enough that he question of the father of the child would have just been forgotten. it doesn't mean it was malicious it can just be simply ignorance and being naive. That said, that doesn't mean that anything that happened after that initial lie, wasn't driven by pure selfishness. They let their families and your parents harrass you for their selfish need to get the status quo back. To pretend to be a big and happy family with perfect social morals. They most definitely are not. And especially your mother deserves an award for biggest AH in all of this. That woman hasn't been a mother to you ever since that started so when you wrote that she was complaining of you taking her “grandbabies” away, i could only laugh out loud at that audacity. your children might be related by blood to her, but she most definitely is not their grandmother.
I hope that you find piece once you cut her off permanently, and i hope your father works hard on mending what he broke with his actions/inactions in the past.
True. Just makes me feel like shit and not worth enough
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
My (33F) bf (34M) of 3 years has just disrespected me and I am currently in the spare room, in tears from lack of sleep and frustration. For reference it is 3:20 AM.
My bf and I moved in together over the summer to his place. I pay him rent. It’s been going well. We have compromised and communicated well- up until tonight. I am shaking I am so angry.
I have two jobs, he has one. Tomorrow (or today I guess) is Christmas Eve. I have forewarned him several times that I work in the morning (and I work from home for this job I work tomorrow). I have to wake up early and my job is one in which a lack of sleep will not help anything, and I need 110% focus. He has known I worked for weeks.
Yesterday he informed me he was going out with his guy friends for “Friendsmas”. Which normally I don’t care for. However he tabled bringing his friends back. I said he needed to be quiet and reminded him I was working in the morning. Now, I expected an arrival time back maybe midnight or 1:00 AM. I was in bed by 11 sleeping. 2:10 AM he and his friends come back, they go to the basement and crank the music up with the base. I wake up not because I heard them come home, but because of the music and base shaking the floors and vibrating the walls. The dog also wakes up and begins crying. I text him and say “please turn down the music base”. It should have been done there.
He came upstairs- drunk, music still blasting, and goes “oh you are still up?”. I said “ya! The music woke me up, turn it down please”. The response? “It’s not that loud”. At this point I am frustrated I snapped and was like “are you fcking kidding? Are you seriously telling me how I feel?!” To which he responded “it can be louder”. Now. I know you cannot negotiate with an intoxicated person. I yelled “I’m asking you to turn it down slightly or turn the base off. Again, I work and I am woken up by this! Don’t be a dck.” and turned over.
If I had somewhere to go I would leave. I am so mad. He has never done anything like this. I moved to the spare room and the music is still blaring and shaking the house.
I am so upset, I almost want to tell him I won’t be going to dinner. At his family’s place today. But I know that’s taking it out on the wrong people. I will be a tired mess tomorrow and likely won’t want to even go cause I am the type to hold anger. It’s important to him that I go and I feel this is the only way to get him to understand.
Do I not go? I will be having this conversation tomorrow but I am currently stunned and in shock with his response to my simple request that was polite and respectful. As I finish typing this it is 3:45 AM and music still blasting.
EDIT: 5:15 AM I finally lost it and went downstairs and told them to turn off the music. They sat there stunned, turned it off and everyone went to bed (I do not condone drinking and driving). I slept in the spare room, and my bf didn’t come to bed (good) at all, and instead slept on the couch. I woke up at 7:30 and have a massive headache. It’s now 10:00 and they are still passed out. I will wait for him to wake up before I tell him I won’t be attending as I do not feel well. I will still make a dish, because I did at the very least say I would contribute, however it will be a simple slow cooker recipe so he can unplug and take it. If there is no apology, or gaslighting/diversion I will be telling him I’ll spend Christmas alone doing my own thing, and I’ll be looking for a new place. Even though this is an isolated incident, I am incredibly hurt and I refuse to be disrespected. I deserve peace in my own home as well.
I would definitely not advice for scheduling, it makes sex feel like a chore, why don't you two reach a compromise by both sacrificing a bit, make it once at night once early in the mornings, have a bit of comprehension that someone is going to be a bit out of the mood until you guys get used to it.
Keep in mind he’s 25
124lb is a really healthy weight especially for your height. And not even close to overweight. Your boyfriend is a dick. Please keep taking your meds. Even if you stop cold turkey the extra pounds wouldn't just magically disappear and stopping with your meds will bring a lot of other problems too. Like you said, it has helped you. To me it sounds like you have insecurities that are related in weight, so that makes it even more fucked uo that your boyfriend calls you that. To me honestly it seems like he is kind of fetishizing really skinny girls.
All of those are symptoms of an immuno deficiency disease. I have a few clients that have lupus or others like that so I’m so sorry you have to go through that.
You are 100% in the right! Hygiene is important and you’re also taking good preventative measures against a UTI. If he can’t shower before sex he’ll just have to handle not getting any. Since you’ve stated why you won’t have sex with him it’s not on you anymore. He can change his ways or accept his fate.
If you think his dad will stab him that's all the more reason to cut him out. I'm not changing my mind about reccomending defending one's self. Also I am very calm, I think you are the only not calm.
We are not going change eachother's minds so lets agree to disagree, you can have the last word.
Wonder if she isn’t American. My friend had a baby in Germany and was having some ppd and her doctors told her to go for a walk. Luckily it wasn’t bad but she has previous depression history and was really worried. But no one would offer up medication.
It’s not an issue for me personally, but in relationships there are usually things that are important to one person and not the other. If it’s important for her, my advice would be to just say it. It doesn’t cause you any harm. It doesn’t seem like a good hill to die on.
Your bf is not an “amazing supportive guy” if he already is trying to control your appearance by saying he will lose interest if you change your appearance with more tattoos. What if you get sick and get really skinny? Cut your hair? Get fat? Get older? It might sound silly now, but it's extremely unrealistic to expect someone to tailor their appearance to please them. Even if you don't get more tattoos, he will find a new thing to demand..
They didn't want to change the status quo, thats why they never said anything. they probably just hoped that if they ignored it long enough that he question of the father of the child would have just been forgotten. it doesn't mean it was malicious it can just be simply ignorance and being naive. That said, that doesn't mean that anything that happened after that initial lie, wasn't driven by pure selfishness. They let their families and your parents harrass you for their selfish need to get the status quo back. To pretend to be a big and happy family with perfect social morals. They most definitely are not. And especially your mother deserves an award for biggest AH in all of this. That woman hasn't been a mother to you ever since that started so when you wrote that she was complaining of you taking her “grandbabies” away, i could only laugh out loud at that audacity. your children might be related by blood to her, but she most definitely is not their grandmother.
I hope that you find piece once you cut her off permanently, and i hope your father works hard on mending what he broke with his actions/inactions in the past.
I think deep down you know what his concern is about
Ask yourself would you be alright with him doing this with his brother