Umikoyami online webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Umikoyami online webcams for YOU!

  1. LEAVE. If she’s too “special” to cut out of his life, the she’s “special” enough to cheat on you again with. OP you have to think about your NEEDS like he thinks about WANTS. You need a secure relationship, and he wants to cheat.

  2. It’s strange even her asking for it. I would sign a renting contract at best but even that might be risky. This would be only to protect that she has time to find another place if you broke up.

  3. I don't see any red flags. Going by the 'half plus 7' rule, you're right on the edge of what is generally considered socially acceptable in terms of age gap.

    At some point, he will likely succumb to age and you may have some time left. Personally, I think it's better to enjoy the relationship you have available to you now. I could go on about this but you won't read it haha.

    I think you should go with your heart and not let fear of the future hold you back.

  4. I do want a future where he’s a part of it. I’m expecting contentment from this lifestyle. I personally do not believe in monogamy. As humans , we have needs (sexual, emotional, physical, mental, financial) and I personally do not believe there is one person who is perfect enough to fulfill all of them. Monogamy to me is finding someone who you’re willing to sacrifice some of your needs to be with them. I believe if someone helps fulfill a particular need of my partner which I failed in doing so, I’d be happy.

  5. Interestingly… I've got some experience with this….

    If this guy is anything like some of the people I know, then he wasn't hitting on her, wasn't wanting her to join, and wasn't wanting to disrespect her. He said the whole night made him feel excited, he probably just wanted to fully experience that excitement, and didn't want to do it in her bathroom without asking because he would feel guilty or like she was wondering what was taking him so long, which would potentially ruin the whole excitement buzz for him. Also, it's a consent thing, in that he didn't want to do something in her apartment without her being completely okay with it.

    Yeah, it's weird. But honestly, I would much rather someone ask me and give me the option of saying no instead of doing that behind my back in my personal space.

  6. That’s why I love being single lol. When I was married I was on a women forum and my now ex knew about it. I rarely posted anything exciting but there were a couple of posts and I was glad I wrote them with in the back of my mind that he could potentially read them. And I’m damn glad I did.

    You’re on a public forum so anyone can see all your posts. That’s a risk you take

  7. You should definitely confront her on this. If not for you, then for the next guy she has a relationship with. This kind of behavior is not only gross and unacceptable but dangerous too.. Not only did she force herself on you, she has complete disregard for the other people in the room as well.. They didn’t ask to see/hear/experience that..

  8. Thanks a lot. I honestly don't have much experience with dating. I've spend my twenties with studies and still but i can feel something isn't okay with that.but i tell myself that people could be different when communicating so that's why i'm confused. ??

  9. Yea the arbitrary month deadline pissed me off. Then he thinks she made an “unfair” decision because of his completely made up deadline for which she has to decide the next 20 or 30 years. I'm sorry OP is sick, but he's kind of a dick. If it is Huntington's, he's had a lot of years to wrap his mind around having a 50 percent chance of getting the disease. But she's got 30 days to decide if she wants to be an early caregiver and have to make alternate plans for kids that avoid him passing down the gene. Totally fair ?

  10. If she thinks he took advantage of a vulnerable woman with “mental health issues and addiction”, and possibly even had unprotected sex with her knowing that, the wife is likely going over their courtship and marriage with a different lens and from the sounds of it she didn't like what she saw through that lens.

    His every poor or impulsive decision is now being viewed through that lens, for good or ill.

    Additionally, she's now decided she'd rather NOT be living in a state of anxiety wondering how many other surprise children are out there as well. And she's the mother of 4 very young children – I can well understand choosing NOT to on-line under that additional stress.

    Fwiw, you are SUPPOSED to re-evaluate decisions and your perspectives when new evidence presents itself.

  11. Have you seen this insane phone deal? I doubt it’s as amazing as you think.

    But that doesn’t matter. You are effectively paying them to track you. Delete the app. If mama squawks, tell her you’ll just get your own plan.

    If you are saving big money from that phone plan, but some of it towards some therapy to help you understand why you feel that beholden to your parents.

  12. Thank you! I normally don't mess with anyone in a relationship. But in this case, they are not really in a romantic relationship.


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