ValeriaKiss live! sex cams for YOU!

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Hey ! it’s my first time here! I’m a little embarrassed but I want to have fun! [GOAL MET]

14 thoughts on “ValeriaKiss live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I've had chlamydia before and my ex boyfriend showed negative although we had sex all the time and I never cheated on him. He was just lucky and the little friends didn't make it into his cock

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  3. A serious question…. Agreed that engaging with someone who's incoherent is rape. But was she? very time? If that's the case she's got a serious drug & alcohol abuse problem. Or, as you suggested, she might be expressing buyers remorse the next day. especially when she realized she had sex with someone while in a relationship with the OP….. OP needs to get her to a drug & alcohol counselor

  4. Sincere thanks. This is my second choice if I can’t convince her to give her two middle names. I’d rather change it and have my wife be happy than do nothing.

  5. I’m not paying for the part etc but just putting hours in and fixing it. It’s a dynamic I just kind of fell into I’m sort of handy so it started small installing blinds etc but now it’s bled into electrical work etc that’s a bit much.

  6. Yup, she’s insistent on it yet she can support herself from all outward perspectives?

    Either she has crazy bad financial habits that OP is unaware of or she is only in it for all the perks and benefits that she is awarded.

    Id be very, very careful of taking this relationship to any next levels. Marry her or on-line with her and now she has entitlement to anything OP owns or would potentially like to leave as inheritance to his family, I feel like she’s going to manipulate her way to take everything. Serious red flags everywhere on this ????????

    If OP has family he intends to give her estate to in the event of his passing, I would not give her any access to assets or legal entitlement. My dads young wife stole all of his stuff from us when he died, even if will that stated 60% was supposed to go to his kids, she still found a loop hole and took everything including her personal assets and we were no longer allowed in our dads house, one that he paid for, that she was not on title and didn’t put any assets towards. Be careful!

  7. Your husband raped your sister.

    How long have you been in a relationship with your husband? Because that age gap is also concerning.

  8. Oh I definitely think she enjoys it as well, its not just for the painkilling properties. I dont argue with it because honestly, shes 63 and an adult and I think its fine (personally).

    I wish we had things like that in the US, and I am sure we do if you have enough money, but like many things in the US if you dont have the money its a big fuck you. Its part of the reason I want out and am getting educated to emigrate, but thats a different story.

    I will contact the county services and see if they have anything similar at any rate.

  9. Don’t do or say anything OP. Just take it as it comes. You appear to be doing a great job. It’s good also that her bio dad is in the picture. I somehow doubt that she will call you dad in his presence. If she does….deal with it then. Good luck.

  10. So he’s tired of me.. so he goes behind my back for other girls?? If he was tired I’m pretty sure he would say something about it but he doesn’t.

  11. This seems reasonable.

    It happened to me, I left the house I shared with an ex after breaking up. Unfortunately she invited people over (in my bed, too). We shared a wall with a family member of mine, and they heard their “activities”… It was not a great feeling.

    People can do whatever they want, but it is in everyone's best interest that your separation goes smoothly. Talk to her and establish boundaries.

  12. I’m prior Air Force, so was never on a ship for months but been deployed and had plenty of friends get deployed.

    When you’re away from home for so long you need some time to decompress a little bit and be yourself. It can take some time for your life to feel like it’s gone back to normalcy.

    I don’t really want to use the term “uprooted” because it’s expected that you’ll be deployed when you’re in the military, but imagine a scenario where you’re gone from home in an unfamiliar place for months on end, how would you feel? Maybe you’d want to see friends and all that you haven’t seen in such a long time, most people I know just wanted to get back into their routine with work and home life. If he just got back it sounds fair he’s not planning anything yet, especially since it doesn’t sound like you were a HUGE part of his life prior. If you were like a long term partner or something of course something would be off if he didn’t want to see you pretty soon after he got back, but to me it all seems relatively normal that he’s taking his time.


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