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7 thoughts on “Valerith-Vega live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Best just to move on and chop it up as his loss. He will probably just give you some lame excuse anyway. If someone’s seriously interested they’ll never leave you hanging.


    Wake the fuck up and get out of that situation. Think for a minute. Where is this relationship going? What can he possibly offer you besides money or gifts which really just makes you a prostitute of that’s what you’re getting out of this.

  3. Prince Harry left a whole country behind so that his wife and child wouldn’t be subject to racist incidents probably like the one you described. The least your bf can do is address his family’s rudeness with them directly instead of ignoring it.

  4. They don't have fully mature bodies, but my point is that they're clearly post-pubescent. Pedophiles are attracted to the total lack of secondary sexual characteristics.

  5. You need to talk to him before you leave.


    “I've seen your messages with (hername) and I find them highly inappropriate, you may think it's harmless or you just don't care, but to me there very inappropriate, and I'm not comfortable with your relationship with her outside of work and I don't want you seeing her outside of work at all. If you do go while I'm away I will take that as you have chosen her over our relationship. Boundaries need to be set with her. So the constant texting stops now, no more unless it is strictly about work, I also find it extremely disrespectful that in none of these chats have you mention me or your son as if your hiding us”..

    He probably hasn't told her about you and is forming a relationship with her or already has, just because the messages ain't sexual doesn't mean they ain't in person.

    Once you told him if he get confrontational then you have your answer an innocent person has nothing to worry about.

    If it was me and my partner said hey I don't like your relationship with your Co worker I find it inappropriate and would like you not to meet them while I'm away, I'd be like ok no problem I won't meet them and stop texting unless it's for work.

    Another thing is have they met outside of work before???

    Because I find it oddly suspicious he doing it while you are away as if he going to bring her back to your place as if he single which could be why he hasn't mentioned you or your son

  6. I don’t find this weird or a red flag at all. As long as there aren’t more things that connect him to his ex currently I would just drop it

  7. My bf's family means everything to him. So giving him such an ultimatum is pointless.

    Even if you can predict someone's choice it's disrespectful not to give them that choice. It's still their choice. Not yours.

    You have your own choices in this situation. No need to make his, as well.

    I really don't want to hurt him because I understand that he's in a tough spot as well.

    You aren't hurting him. His parents are, or his devotion to them is.

    How many women has he introduced to his parents? How many have they ever liked? Is this a pattern for them? Or are you the first one, and so they have no practice with this kind of thing?

    Just letting things lie and you slowly warm up to them and/or they slowly warm up to you, (or not and that never happens), would be a normal way to go about things, and what I was originally leaning towards. Until you said this:

    wants me to “make it up to them”.

    You don't owe him that. You haven't done anything to make up. And that he phrased it that way (you're using quotes so I'm assuming those are his words) makes it sound like you're at fault for something. Which you're not. You are never at fault for being yourself.

    And a boyfriend who makes you feel at fault for being yourself is something to stay away from and move on from. Unless you can explain it to him and he immediately stops. Full stop.

    Offering him the choice with the suggested verbiage I gave before is a way of doing that and explaining that any expectation of change on your part is a non-starter and isn't going to happen, so decisions must be made based off that knowledge.


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