Valery-roberts online sex chats for YOU!

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your girl is back!, ? let’s have fun? new menu *

5 thoughts on “Valery-roberts online sex chats for YOU!

  1. We started out as pretty equal with chores, but over time I’ve taken more and more on as he does them so poorly. Thank you for your insight

  2. this is definitely abuse. your GF is a terrible person. you say you dont want to leave bc youre scared you wont find anyone else, and ill say 1. you will definitely find someone else at some point, but you must leave in order to get to that point. and 2. its better to be alone anyway than in a relationship with someone like this. you said before dating her you'd only get depressed for only a day, and now it lasts weeks. she isolates you socially and beats you down emotionally (and i guess physically too) im order to exert control and make you feel like you cant be without her. you dont need her. i know youre an adult, but you should talk to your parents about what youre going through. as others have suggested, therapy would be worthwhile as well. you have the strength within you to leave, you just have to find it. you will be so much better off without her, i promise you.


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