Veronica-Luna live! sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Veronica-Luna live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. If it is such important info he should’ve asked. “Btw, I’m transphobic so tell me know if you were AMAB”.

  2. All of this. Stop being her doormat. If you pay for the gym, cancel it or change the plan so only you have it. Block her number for sure, and go wherever the Hell you want. She doesn't own the gym. You're under no obligation to tell her either. Not your problem.

  3. OMG… him acting as your therapist. This is the biggest red flag I have ever seen on Reddit. Yes that big of a red flag.

    You see an impartial therapist because they are impartial not to mention they have actually been trained to deal with mental issues. They are certified and have a board of supervisors. Why because a therapist can so easily manipulate their patients. They must adhere to a strict rigid format and also have a way to report them for malpractice if something goes awry.

    Your boyfriend being your therapist is just a sure way for him to manipulate you and control you.

    I'm not sure where you're at, but there are so many on-line therapists now. For your mental well-being, most of them are nominal fees and there are tons of Charities and not for profit places where you can speak to a therapist for your well-being. Please look at that if you don't have insurance and therapy is not something that you can readily afford. I would look into Abused women organizations that offer free therapy. If you already have issues with your father and you are now dealing with a manipulative controlling boyfriend. Which I'm sorry this sounds like, you need to speak to one of their therapists.

    Having open communication with your partner is definitely not him acting as your mental therapist. Please see a professional therapist. If you need help finding someone DM me and I will help you look for online sites that you can access anywhere. I will help you look for a local free therapist in your area through shelters.

    Everything you have written in your comments and post make this sound as a situation where he is finding new ways to undermine your mental health and control you. I hate to say this but you are becoming his personal toy and not his significant other. He is setting you up to be accepting of any of his bad behavior and you in turn will accept fault for everything bad he does. You will blame yourself and think that you deserve it. This is classic mental abuse.

  4. You've assumed the frequency. More often than not I have sex even if I'm not in the mood. When he turns me down for sex, I try to make him feel comfortable about it even if I'm disappointed because I know it's for the greater health of our sex life to not incorporate any shame or guilt into the mix. So I say something like “that's okay honey we can just cuddle” instead of sighing and making him sit with my disappointment.

  5. Or it will be awkward and you accidentally poke them in the eye with your elbow, and they kneel on your hair but it would still be more worth it than with this doofas.


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