VeronicaAndrae online sex cams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “VeronicaAndrae online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Redecorate the house. Start by throwing out the dead wood. Go Marie Kondo (if that’s still a thing) on his ass.

  2. He’s a adult he deserves to know how his mother is treating people he gets in relationships with, otherwise, she will control his life

  3. I'm 36 and I go biking with a 15 year old and a 51 year old. The 15 year olds mum drives us up the mountain and we bike down.

    Nothing wrong with platonic friendships of any age.

    We are friends because we all mountain bike and he's a great kid

  4. I personally would not message him.

    If he has said no a couple of times, you need to let him initiate contact with you next time. If he does, than you should express your concerns.

    If you want any chance with him still, make room for him to miss you. This is crucial for value to rebuild, and it’s also important for you to feel good about things. You will feel much better if he decides to approach you versus you trying to force things.

    This has happened to me before, so I’m only giving advice based off my experience. Yours may be different!

    Good luck!

  5. If this happened to me I would be upset as well. Because the relationship was a lie and I would feel manipulated and used.

    If they told me that they were dating around I would be perfectly fine with that cause that would give me the option to date others as well before investing my time in someone.

    My first thought is he was the one she wanted that’s why she put the bar so low, he gave her an std and realized that he is the worse option and she deserves better. So she made sure to paint herself as someone else so you wouldn’t be able to see the bad.

  6. Sorry to say, but this relationship won’t survive.

    You lost your mojo when it comes to your GF man.

    Even if you’re somehow able to forgive her (because let’s be honest, you can make all the excuses you want, but you were obviously in distress and your GF didn’t give a shit), you won’t get that image out of your head.

    If you’re not going to try a threesome with another girl, I don’t see how you come back from this. Just take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  7. It could be that your conversational ability and ability to make a girl feel comfortable around you is inversely proportional to how much you are attracted to them.

  8. If he's unemployed and doesn't have any responsibilities why he can't get up and clean up?! Why he can't cook dinner?! Why he can't do the laundry?!

    You're paying all of the bills and do all of the work, I get being depressed and not wanting to do much, but you can't expect me to work 8-12 hours come home, cook, clean, do all the laundry, pay all the bills and still fuck you whenever, and still be your personal therapist!

    Then why can't he take half of the fucking load off you, the bum!

    That's some bullshit and you know it! Otherwise you wouldn't be asking us why you don't wanna be supportive. It's because you're TIRED EXHUSTED MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY DRAINED FROM THIS MAN CHILD YOU CALL A HUSBAND!

    You can love him, there is nothing wrong with that, but you need to love YOURSELF a little more and tell him to get off his ass and do something!

  9. I don’t know if you looked at post history but it is a LOT of coke. Like it doesnt seem like OP is really interested in holding his bargain with his dad. At least he wasnt until he got caught.

  10. Not gonna lie, even the reason for you hating your dad makes little sense to me. Sounds more like your grandmother hates your dad and convinced you to jump on that train with her. I hate to say it, but whatever circumstances led to the final outcome of their relationship, they love each other and nothing about their dynamic affects you in any way, shape or form.

  11. She went for laparoscopic surgery, I didn't know the reason behind it, and she never disclosed it except she said it was for her endometriosis. After this scope, she was an incredible amount of pain but was doing nothing to help herself or letting me help take a bit of the load off.

    She was taking hormonal injections to help prevent growth and manage the pain. There were no issues until she had the scope and she was in constant pain for weeks after the procedure. She said the doctors were not helping, and nothing was helping, but again was doing anything or asking me for any help.

  12. You can definitely tell a difference, but anal is inferior, in my opinion. It's strange how many men obsess over it.

  13. I mean… he’s has 2 years to be honest with her about why he’s keeping her a secret rather than make empty promises and disregard something clearly important to her.

  14. “To this day, I still wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t left Mark. My life seemed to fall to bits after I left him. But I knew that he had a temper, and it was getting worse. It took all of my strength to leave. I still wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t walked out. Would he have gotten help? Would I be dead? I like to think that he didn’t have it in him to kill me, but I know that he’s serving time for assaulting someone else. What if that had been me? What if I’d never met my husband, and found out how good life can be?”

    It’s not always a daydream. Sometimes it’s a horror story.

  15. Criminologists try to understand crime. Physicians try to understand disease. Mechanics try to understand why cars break down. Architects try to understand why buildings collapse. Seismologists try to understand why earthquakes happen. People try to understand all these things just because they cause harm. How can I make it clear to you that I'm not justifying what he did?

  16. That seems like a very significant event. She lied to you. Betrayed your trust. She Probably cheated on you. I would have dumped her. I have a zero bullshit policy and that’s a lot of bullshit. Trust your gut. Don’t trust this woman with your future. She’s not it.

  17. it simply doesn't sound like a good fit, and as such, one of you is going to have to change. that said, it looks like if anyone is going to change, it's going to be you.

    poor communication aside, I don't think many of us would put up with “emotionally unavailable”.

    I've never dated someone who wouldn't reach out and say hello at least once over the weekend… not saying it's a law or anything, but i don't think I'd get a lot out of being with someone who isn't curious about how I'm doing, what I'm up to, or if I want to get together all weekend.

  18. The “seems very religious” comment may be worth exploring. Is he always super nice and wholesome? That can give a youth pastor vibe that people generally don’t want to socialize with. Maybe he needs to be a little less nice lol


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