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What made you…be with him? Hes 20years older and behaves like a horny teenager.
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Your boyfriend likely has a porn addiction and should seek therapy.
Honestly, I wouldn’t send her the statements. I am all about being transparent, open, and honest. This is a controlling tactic because she feels insecure. If she cannot except that while she was with another person you were spending time with somebody else, that is her issue.
First take a pregnancy test and decide how you want the relationship to be. Like, how much interaction you wanna have with him.
Breaking up is a decision, not a discussion. Don't give her a list of reasons why it isn't working.
I'm sorry, but this relationship isn't working for me, and we need to break up.
The list of grievances is something you bring up when you're trying to work on a relationship. Sharing it now doesn't result in anything besides rubbing salt in the wound. If you have one easily understood incompatibility, go ahead and mention that (stance on marriage, kids, etc.); otherwise, just say that you aren't happy in the relationship and that you wish her the best.
I was not prepared for that.
This sounds like it went from just a bit too affectionate to a toxic situation. Throwing so much stuff back in your face is so wrong and I find the 50/50 reciprocation a little odd. It's like taking the “put as much effort into the relationships as the other person” to a very strict and crazy level.
If he's legitimately that upset about it, to the point he sits at home alone bawling, then yeah, there's something going on mentally.
I'm going to be an armchair psych (I know) and hazard a guess and say he has childhood trauma of some kind. It seems to me as though he's trying to get the things he didn't get from his parents/childhood from you, or is trying to make you overcompensate. Perhaps his parents/guardians made a lot of false promises and now that's something that just sits in his mind and he can't accept whatsoever. Or he has some deep attachment issues. Could be anything.
Regardless, it's not on you, and it shouldn't be put on you in a capacity further than supporting him as his wife.
You can say something like “I love you, but I can't give you everything you're asking for. I'm unhappy with the trajectory our marriage is going. I'm willing to go to marriage counselling, but also individual therapy, so we can navigate this and have healthier and happier lives with good communication and both of our needs can be met. I need you to meet me in the middle here so we can resolve this and move past it.” It's 50/50. You both go to therapy. Not just him. It would be a start.
This, of course, is providing you do love him and do want to continue your marriage with him. It does sound quite exhausting, but I'm willing to bet my big toe that he has some far deeper issues at play.
Lay out your needs and wants for the future and what's hindering those. Also reaffirm your feelings for him. He might freak out or go off the deep end if you make it sound like you're leaving him.
This is something that worries me for you if he's not regulating his emotions properly. Perhaps someone a little more versed in the subject will be able to offer some insight into whether he's manipulating you, abusing you, or is purely mentally unwell. Though, what makes me wonder is the fact that you might feel you have to give in, in fear of having to deal with another breakdown. Especially when it concerns sexual favours. Is he manipulating you with tears?
No matter what the issue is, please stay safe, OP.
Thank you, I appreciate your input. I think having some sort of “script” like this would definitely be helpful, because she does often interrupt me and throw me off.
Thank you, I appreciate your input. I think having some sort of “script” like this would definitely be helpful, because she does often interrupt me and throw me off.
Alot of bitter broke men in these comments… 24 million is fuck you money, if you cant afford to spend some on the women u love, reevaluate your future with her. Dont be a stingy bum.
The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
Seriously. I know it sounds crude, but a big part of the recovery process is you realizing that the things you experienced with her, the things that were unique to her, that big hole in your heart that can't be filled by anyone but her…. Can TOTALLY be filled by someone else.
We all like to think we're spectacularly unique, and that includes our relationships. But the truth is, we are so not unique. What you had with her was not lightning in a bottle, and there are literally millions of women out there who are just as capable of loving you and being loved by you as she was.
You need to take a minute to accept the reality. She's gone now. You need to go through the grieving process, so don't jump back into something serious right away.
But a casual fling is definitely in order. The sooner you learn she wasn't “Ms right”; she was “Ms right now”, the faster and easier the healing process can begin.
ALL of this.
Plus one more thing: he says he loves you even more now…
The core of love is respect. OP, look at this whole scenario – from him telling you there were no feelings and blaming you, to telling you about these dreams, etc. etc. Show me where he’s made ANY choices out of respect for you. Sit down and make a list of the acts that showed his respect he did at each stage of this debacle.
The length of that list will tell you exactly how much he’s considered you and his love for you. (By my count it’s zero).