Vivien the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Vivien, 18 y.o.


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Vivien on-line sex chat

17 thoughts on “Vivien the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Have you asked him why he won't leave a 14 year old for a few hours while you go out?

    He obviously won't go out if you plan it or do it spontaneously. Excuses

    A 14 year old certainly does not want to spend all waking moments with their dad and his girlfriend.

    Make a plan tell him when and where and if won't go, go alone.

    Then you need to start having a serious talk about you moving out.

    He is either using her as an excuse or he has a serious issue

  2. Someone who hides the fact that they have a serious STD like that from the beginning can’t be trusted, I’m sorry. I can only imagine what he’s been through mentally, physically and socially but that doesn’t disregard the fact that he needs to tell people who he’s sexually intimate with that he has HIV. The doctor is an idiot, you should always tell a potential intimate partner what you have, despite being undetectable it’s not fair on your end. Are you on prep? Do you see him take his medication faithfully and do you go to his visits to check his viral loads? Anyone can say anything but I really think you should start taking the precautions to protect your health. Seems he has a tendency to gaslight your feelings to validate his, it’s really giving off a narcissist vibe. If he’s always triggered by simple questions that you have about his HIV diagnosis that’s a red flag, you shouldn’t be kept in the dark and not know what’s completely going on especially with a serious virus like that. Things would have been differently if he was honest from the begging but OP, I think you should seriously watch your back if you stay with him but honestly I highly recommend that you dead this relationship before it gets worse.

  3. But I do tell Bob all the things Sean and I do and talk about, as I have meaningful conversation with other friends I also have with Sean and I tell my bf about all this

  4. These woman really need to stop getting with these older men, tired of seeing the same situation play out over and over again live and in real life

  5. Yeah I'm selective with jobs cus why would I apply to a job that needs me to come Monday-Friday from 8am to 4pm when I have uni? I'm not giving up my education for the sake of moving out. I can only apply to jobs that state that I can negotiate my hours, cus my uni schedule is so silly. I'm not saying you don't know about being an adult, I literally said “all info you have on me” cus you're acting as if you were a family friend that knows all the family drama and shit

  6. Why would you suggest fwb when you've said you don't want a casual relationship with him? I think that was bit of a desperate attempt to keep him interested as you've also said you doubt your looks if they're good enough for him. How can you be able to talk about sex with him but terrified to talk to him about the situation?

  7. Either he’s emotionally a child OR this is the consequence of many events added up. You evaluate and decide proper action.

  8. It’s annoying because it turns me off – I find nothing but being 1-1 with him exciting and the fact he is thinking about more hurts. I think he wouldn’t do it because he knows it hurts me but doesn’t he deserve a girlfriend who can have fun with him in that way

  9. Just tell her. She needs to know it's not her fault and that you're just a racist.

    If a white person does this to a non-white person, they'd be called a white supremacist.

  10. What you are describing could be my exact relationship with my ex husband. It started out much the same, and progressed to much worse. The thing with untreated personality disorders is that they know how to manipulate and twist everything around. The self harm and threats of suicide are another form of manipulation. He knows you care, and knows these things will hurt you to your very soul, so he threatens and and puts the blame on your feet. He will never follow through with it because his ego won’t let him. However, if he does something dumb that results in his injury or demise that’s his own stupidity, not at all your fault.

    My best advice is to get everything you need together to leave him. Don’t let on so that he can try to stand in your way. Set everything up to get away then disappear from his life. Block him everywhere, tell friends and family to do the same, and leave no trace behind. Contact a domestic violence shelter for help if you need to, mine was immensely helpful and I know for a fact they saved my life. What he does after that is purely on his shoulders. You can’t fix him, you can’t save him, and you can’t reason with him. He. Doesn’t. Care. If you need help finding resources, or need more advice please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. If what I lived through can help one other person not subject themselves to this torture then it wasn’t for nothing.

  11. Haha, HE is in debt, but YOU are spending zo much money?! And he, as soon one who gets in debt with his financial decisions, should be the right one to “help” with your finances.

    You must stop paying bills of him. Just pay your part. He wants to use you. And if he wants to start with financial controll, the next shitty aren't far.

    How is the relationship otherwise? Sign for abuse? Are you happy?

  12. Buddy this guy really and truly sucks. The issue you think you have is not actually the issue you have. There is nothing wrong with you. You caught him cheating on you and that's just a small part of how much he seems to suck. Ditch this guy and 90% of your insecurity will be gone immediately.


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