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To Start online video press there
We, ‘re Normal., y.o.
Location: United States
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
I wanted to say your husband is an asshole but holy shit how are you having sex at all if you're that anxious?
With all the methods of contraception going on infeel there is a lot of the story missing.
All sounds highly lame and concerning. There's better d*ck out there for you my friend.
Stay away from anyone who blocks you – that's not healthy.
Honestly it doesn’t, I wouldn’t feel safe in the relationship again and I wouldn’t trust my partner not to overreact in the same way again.
He said something to be deliberately hurtful, that’s not okay and it’s not something we should be tolerating in relationships.
But they never made an offer. It would only be in written form for a company of any size.
OP’s ex friend’s cousin is friends with OP’s cousin – what don’t you get
He's your husband. You accept him not talking about his mental health issues when you are legally bound & have to on-line with him? I'm calling abuse under cover of mental health issues.
It sounds like you guys are not compatible. He sounds Asexual to me, and that is not an insult, but an actual thing.
Let me put your fears to rest though-if a man does not want to have sex with a woman because he thinks she's ugly, then he's not going to take a pill that will force him to do that. Your looks have nothing to do with what is going on here. Honestly you've made this whole thing about what YOU want, but what does he want? Have you asked him?
It's only not confusing if you already know it's a joke or if you consider gay men girls.
Uh, tell her that her mother should come pick her up. She needs to LEAVE the home while you take the time to sort your feelings out and decide whether you want to stay in the marriage. And you also need that time for her to start taking full responsibility for her affair.