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34 thoughts on “Welcome, ❤️New Girl Daniela | Mila | Lia | Alise | Lanna ❤️ ❤️Please Make me Cum ^_^ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Typically you're supposed to hide the sex from parents, your kid having sex will always be uncomfortable for most parents.

  2. Omg that’s why I hate girlfriends. This is too much bullshit and expectations. I can’t imagine having this many annoying women around. Ugh dude get over it. It’s so high school. No one makes you do anything. You need to stop making it about yourself. Stop getting but hurt. Don’t trust anyone. Do you only!

  3. It really has to be her decision. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.

    She knows she could go to therapy, she knows without it your relationship will end, and she's made the decision that she doesn't want to continue. If she's already made the decision that breaking up is easier for her than going to therapy, I don't think you'll be able to change her mind. I'm very sorry ?

  4. It’s not you. She is either too enmeshed with her son and it way too invested in all aspects of his life, or he has been lying to her about what happened.

    Either way, there’s a power dynamic imbalance with an age gap like that. And weirdly, you’ve acted far more like the mature one here. More mature than both your ex and his mother.

    That all being said, you really need to block them both. As it likely won’t help the situation to “clear the air” or “get to the truth”. It could just lead to more manipulation.

  5. She’s clearly told you not to bring it up, so don’t. If you don’t want to date her because of this then end the relationship. She has set clear boundaries in that she will not tolerate you bringing this up.

  6. Nvm i misread the condoms part. I guess it was something she was at least ambivalent towards at the time. Still my point stands that she is traumatised either way and needs therapy. If she doesn't want to work things through no one can blame if you decide to leave

  7. 3 months in and he can't accept a celebrity crush? Huge red flags. Run away and don't look back. He will not improve with time. This is massive insecurity, and it's going to rear its head again and again and in more places than just this.

  8. Yes! Breakup!! FFS having others tell you to grow up and have kids should be people you don't ever talk to again!

  9. That is a tough one. I’ve been married just shy of 30 years (next week) and can tell you that it hasn’t been all hearts, butterflies and rainbows.

    Even through tough times, I can honestly say that we have always loved each other and didn’t see a life without each other (although I suspect we’ve also walked the line between unhealthy and healthy codependency).

    It seems like you are doing all the right things for your relationship. The way my wife and I look at sex now is enjoying each other. We know what we like and appreciate how to please the other. We spice things up when the mood strikes and make things fun. We had sex this weekend and later my wife looked at me and said “I had fun with you” with a big smile on her face. I know, in the past, where we did put too much pressure on ourselves over intimacy and that never worked out. The only advice I can give is from my own experience- keep working on how you view sex with your partner- the more you stress the worse it will be.

    Ultimately, it is your life and you need to try to make decisions that will make you happy – even if they are hot.

  10. How would you describe how I've expressed my concerns here — and how can I improve it to make the communication with her more effective?

  11. Should I wait until after the event? To see how they act towards each other during the double date? Idk what to do. I’m emotionally detaching from him a lot, but now I’m just curious to see what happens during lol

  12. I'm shocked a relationship between a 35 year old and 24 year old had lies and manipulation in it. Shocked.

    Who could have thought such a thing would happen?

    The man I know would be punching this guy in the face for treating me this way.

    The man you “knew” never existed. He was always a manipulative lying creep.

  13. He was kind and loving when he wanted something from you (your time and attention).

    If he is being cruel and unkind it’s because he doesn’t care if you give him those things anymore.

    That means he’s getting those things from someone else. Because men like him always need a woman’s time and attention.

  14. You’re setting yourself on fire to keep this man warm. You sound extremely intelligent and have a clear picture of who your boyfriend is.

    Sometimes love is not enough.

  15. Then tell your husband to stop complaining to you about a problem that he is entirely choosing to create for no reason.

  16. It’s your wedding, life, relationships. Trust yourself to make the decision. Lots of ways to incorporate both dads if that’s what you want.

  17. This happened like a year ago so I can’t remember what he said exactly. I will have spoken to him about it and my boyfriend also spoke to him and he just said he was joking. All the other boys told me to not listen to him. I am good friends with them.

  18. You should break up with your girlfriend, be honest and tell her you're a scummy cheater and that her cousin, who she is close to and trusts, is also a total piece of trash, and then you and the trashy cheat can ride of into the sunset together.

  19. Everyone has a deep dark secret…every single one of us…some things are really bad and some are not so bad. But it's bad when a woman was a sex worker trying to explain that to her boyfriend…it usually doesn't end well

  20. It's just he's been rlly bad w texting me so I'm not sure if it's worth to pursue and not sure to waste time of you get what I mean. But yes definitely am overthinking.

  21. Honestly, I don’t think people read this. OP WAS taking care of herself, she just wasn’t dressing alt. If I need to have a specific hair style and to wear make up everyday for my partner to desire me, I’d feel them same. There are loads of men who would want to fuck you when you’re just chilling with your messy bun in your sweats and it sucks your husband isn’t one of them. It’s one thing to appreciate when we put in the extra effort to look good, but that’s not feasible to do that on the daily for most people. I’d definitely be worried about aging with a man like this.

  22. Will your girlfriend also follow the gender rules before the women rights movement???? If not then women are equal to males so yea 50/50

    Im not a woman by the way (I know you didnt ask men) ?

  23. Oh sweetie. Everything that your BF has said is absolutely valid, and I agree with him. What's more – this is a really exciting time of your life! Do you want to miss out on that uni experience of living with other students etc. just to skip ahead and on-line with your partner? It will make it much easier to rely on each other as a crutch rather than throwing yourself into this exciting new life fully and meeting new people. Moving in together in a city where you each already have your own friends and your own lives is one thing, but doing it in a brand new place where you know no one else… it sounds all consuming and would be Too Much for me at 26, never mind at 18.


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