Make sure you get her on audio saying that she will poison your son against you. That way you at least have proof for the judge and your son..when he is old enough or leverage to get your ex-wife to back off. Listen, nothing can mess with one self-esteem like growing up poor. Your ex is pissed cause she lost her meal ticket. I grew up in lower middle class immigrant home and I couldn't imagine sitting my ass on the couch while my man worked 12 hour shifts. You deserve happiness and you don't have to work your fingers to the bone for someone who was likely using you. That part you already figured out, now time to wise up about your son. You weren't happy, going back is a terrible idea. Head to the court, get joint custody and only communicate via text and email with ex.. Shut her down. He won't be 5 forever. Don't give up on him.
What answer do you expect to get by confronting someone that clearly suffered from psychopathy or narcissism and pedophillia? What is it that your hope to achieve. He lied to you, wasted your time and is a risk around any children. He will be banned from certain jobs always.
I don’t understand what you think you will gain. You don’t need to have a conversation. You need to decide if you want to be around a pedo. If he was 21 and the girl was 17 or if he was 19 and the girl had been 14/15, I might be like well, maybe…but her was 30 and she was 15.
Nothing to discuss, pack your shit, run and be glad you found out.
Well, you see phrases like “fuck landords” and “landlords are parasites” quite frequently.
But what's more relevant here is that they're a partners sharing a life together. That's a very different relationship, and this 'rent' idea sours that by turning him into a landlord instead of her partner. If she's down for that kind of impersonal, conditional, transactional relationship with him, that's fine, but I think many women would be turned off by this. I certainly would.
Have you actually talked to your partner about a timeline for engagement or marriage? Or expressed to him that you want to be married? You said you've not been hinting or mentioning engagement at all, so probably now would be the time to talk to him about both of your expectations rather than sitting and stewing and asking yourself why he hasn't proposed yet.
How do you 'accidently' do that?
Make sure you get her on audio saying that she will poison your son against you. That way you at least have proof for the judge and your son..when he is old enough or leverage to get your ex-wife to back off. Listen, nothing can mess with one self-esteem like growing up poor. Your ex is pissed cause she lost her meal ticket. I grew up in lower middle class immigrant home and I couldn't imagine sitting my ass on the couch while my man worked 12 hour shifts. You deserve happiness and you don't have to work your fingers to the bone for someone who was likely using you. That part you already figured out, now time to wise up about your son. You weren't happy, going back is a terrible idea. Head to the court, get joint custody and only communicate via text and email with ex.. Shut her down. He won't be 5 forever. Don't give up on him.
What answer do you expect to get by confronting someone that clearly suffered from psychopathy or narcissism and pedophillia? What is it that your hope to achieve. He lied to you, wasted your time and is a risk around any children. He will be banned from certain jobs always.
I don’t understand what you think you will gain. You don’t need to have a conversation. You need to decide if you want to be around a pedo. If he was 21 and the girl was 17 or if he was 19 and the girl had been 14/15, I might be like well, maybe…but her was 30 and she was 15.
Nothing to discuss, pack your shit, run and be glad you found out.
Well, you see phrases like “fuck landords” and “landlords are parasites” quite frequently.
But what's more relevant here is that they're a partners sharing a life together. That's a very different relationship, and this 'rent' idea sours that by turning him into a landlord instead of her partner. If she's down for that kind of impersonal, conditional, transactional relationship with him, that's fine, but I think many women would be turned off by this. I certainly would.
Have you actually talked to your partner about a timeline for engagement or marriage? Or expressed to him that you want to be married? You said you've not been hinting or mentioning engagement at all, so probably now would be the time to talk to him about both of your expectations rather than sitting and stewing and asking yourself why he hasn't proposed yet.