YourBabyKylie online sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “YourBabyKylie online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Honestly they did not have to tell you unless you specifically asked. Even then it was past and they were both free to do what they chose. Work on yourself and get over it or throw away something that may be good in your life. Your choice. Everyone has a past you will have to get over.

  2. I took the time because you are worth taking the time for. I want you to really believe that, even if whispers in your mind tell you something different. One day, you are going to be able to read this comment and know that it’s true, and not need me to tell you.

    As for your friend: I want to be clear in my message here.

    You cannot make these changes for him, with a goal to reconcile with him. That’s not a strong foundation. Your foundation needs to be internal, and about yourself. You need to do this for you.

    But I also don’t think that anything in your post is irredeemable. The biggest thing you need to do is listen to your friend. He told you, in words, what the problem was. You then reacted in a way that showcased the problem exactly as he’d said. This is not a condemnation, but the only way it will be possible for you to reconcile is if you stop this behaviour.

    You described yourself as acting like a “psycho”. You need to stop doing that, and give your friend time to heal from this. Then, in a few months’ time, reach out. Explain that you took his words to heart and tell him what you’ve been doing to build a foundation of good behaviour for yourself so that you can have something to be self-confident about. If he is open to reconciliation, he will answer you.

    This is very, very important: do not do this until you have practiced enough that you can weather a rejection if it happens.

    I don’t know what your friend will do. It’s his choice. Don’t reach out until you can truly, genuinely live with any decision he makes, without it hurting your self-esteem. It’s okay if that takes months or even years.

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRA2352145,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  4. I don't want to come out of this perceived as the young naive girl getting taken advantage of by the older guy.

    But you will be. It won't even then matter if everything is genuine. As soon as people see the age difference they will think you are the naive young girl. That will never change when dating qith such a huge age difference.

    And on the other hand even if you initiated it, I can't believe that he is innocent and him being hesitant is just an act to not look that creepy. That guy is/was grooming you since you were 17, that's just sick. I know this is an abstract example, but just imagine, you start talking to a 10 year old. Wouldn't it be easy to manipulate him? And when he is old enough you start dating him, but make him think it was his idea? That's the age and life experience stage you and that guy have. Even when you have more experience as a teenager, the next few years of your life will be very important for your future growth, please don't spend it with a predator.

  5. I tried to get a little frisky and was original going for her pants, but then she said, “Not right now” and then she said “I promise we will soon but I'll leave you with this”. I got the blowjob and then I tried to, you know, get my tie off tried to get her clothes off to “return the favor”. She just said, “not right now but soon”.

  6. Tell her. Don't let her on-line a fake lie because you can't deal with the consequences of your actions. If she leaves that was your choice.

  7. “Girl what is that smell, you need to shower and then we can go out. I’ll wait just take your time”.

    Being nice I think is the wrong move. Being gentle is also wrong. Because both of those things will make her feel like you are looking down in her.

    The naked truth will sting up front but what will save your relationship is treating her how you would want to be treated.

  8. The wording of “I felt some type of way” in the second image tells me something was said to or around the other mom. Hopefully this is a non-issue situation, just for your own wellbeing! Good luck ??

  9. Right? My husband is hella eager to get down there for me and I love doing the same for him. That is how it should be on both sides. Pleasing your partner should be priority. This guy is basically using her as a sex toy.


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