Yuki on-line sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Yuki on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Drinking and driving is absolutely unforgivable. So many daughters and sons have died needlessly because of pricks like your BF. If you have any self-respect you will leave him. I’ve lost so many people I know, one a young mother, because some asshole couldn’t call an Uber. Fuck your boyfriend.

  2. Lmao oh so only split evenly on entertainment? What percentages are you talking about if not basic costs such as rent/mortgage, utilities, and food? Once all that is paid he should then have to spend an equivalent amount additionally on entertainment? Thats a joke

  3. While I do understand why you smoke, great job BTW. It can still be a dealbreaker for her. She can love, understand and sympathize you, but still see smoking as a dealbreaker. I think you need to find out what she thinks long term. If she does not see a long term relationship it is time to move on.

  4. “I am not naive that is always a possibility but at a family friendly festival with only 12,000 people, with witnesses everywhere, as well as the fact I’m not naive and can sense the creeps, not an overly trusting person, the chances of this happening is unlikely.”

    Famous last words. People are just as likely to be assaulted in large crowds as anywhere else. If you're surrounded by 12,000 people then unless your head is on a 360 degree swivel then you'll never see or hear some creeper come up behind you while you're enjoying yourself. Odds are, no one else will notice someone creeping on you either. One, their attention is on their own fun. Two, for all they'll know, you're together and won't know anything is amiss until you start screaming.

    I'm not saying not to go. If you want to go, then go. Just understand the risk of going alone. Just because someone went to Bali and it was fine doesn't have any bearing on this event.

  5. So everytime I have brought it up about the showers, she says I make her feel ugly or that I'm not attracted to her.

    It's not about being beautiful, it's basic hygiene??? “Honey you want me to wash my ass after shitting everyday all week? You think I'm ugly you bigot! What's wrong with dried poop flanking my butthole?! If you loved me, you'd rim me!”

  6. Hmm well maybe over text ask him when he started taking meds, don't let him know you know they're Xanax. Tell him what you told us abt looking for Tylenol and see what he says. If he lies and claims they're not Xanax, that's fishy. If he says yeah I've been diagnosed w whatever I've been on it for years, you can ask for a few more questions to sus out if that's true.

    Either way I very much believe you shouldn't be going back to his place until you figure this out. I agree w the others that you should see a doctor regarding this asap. I'm so sorry this is happening to you

  7. For you. Consequences for you. You're being selfish and self absorbed and meddling in your son's marriage to make your own life easier, rather than opening your eyes, realising that your son did a shitty thing that jeapordised his marriage and is now abiding by a perfectly reasonable boundary to try and repair it. He and his WIFE sorted out an issue in THEIR marriage.

    It has nothing to do with you, and you're overstepping massively.


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