Zylah online webcams for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Zylah online webcams for YOU!

  1. We tried therapy once but she hated it, she also tried by herself and said it didn't work. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions that can help to narrow it down or it just depends on the therapist

  2. I know you’re probably right but damn she’s such a good friend to me. She’s done things and helped me in ways that absolutely no one else ever has and I know for a 100% fact she’d put her life on the line for me so it just feels like such a waste to remove her from my life. It’s just such a difficult situation.

  3. I should rephrase — even with an unplanned pregnancy, a parent can treat their kid like a mental health support, and that’s not right. You might not be able to see whether that’s the dynamic from the outside — I was the kid in that situation and most of my mom’s friends couldn’t easily tell what was happening. If you’re in a position to encourage your friend to seek therapy and to lean on you or other adults instead of her child, it would be a kindness.


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