♡ REYNA ♡ ticket shower show in a bikini will be when we gain 100,000 followers?❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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♡ REYNA ♡ ticket shower show in a bikini will be when we gain 100,000 followers?❤, y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms ♡ REYNA ♡ ticket shower show in a bikini will be when we gain 100,000 followers?❤

♡ REYNA ♡ ticket shower show in a bikini will be when we gain 100,000 followers?❤ on-line sex chat

20 thoughts on “♡ REYNA ♡ ticket shower show in a bikini will be when we gain 100,000 followers?❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Although there has also been a study that showed that men tend to perceive themselves as doing more chores than they really are, so maybe you're doing that. But taking your post at face value she's defs being ridiculous

  2. I second this. Worst case scenario, be prepared that you may lose both of them.

    We all have regrets but I find life favors the honest and the bold.

  3. Seek help, what I read sounds very unhealthy and doesn’t sound like a good outcome without you stopping and seeking help

  4. This type of behavior is insanely toxic. I doubt he was sick ANY of those times he claimed to be. Tonsillitis is not contagious and men only get UTI's under extenuating circumstances, for example when having an STI. Because their urinary tract is all internal it's well protected from bacteria, whereas womens' are pretty exposed and vulnerable. He's a straight up liar. It would be an extreme statistical unlikelihood for you both to get a UTI and tonsillitis at the same time. Break up with him! He will lie about stupid things for attention. You don't need that in your life.

  5. There is no amount of anything that can ever make this right. He pointed a gun at you. It was more than likely loaded and he prob had the safety off and his finger on the trigger. That’s the reality of your situation. Ten years of him will get you no gold because there was never a rainbow.

    Put yourself first. Fk him. Change the locks. Take his stuff pack it up and leave it for him somewhere not close to your house. Go stay with someone you feel safe. Absolutely ghost him. He deserves nothing more from you.

  6. Your “friend” cheated on your brother. Yes you have an obligation to tell him. This friend sounds like a waste of oxygen and emotionally manipulative.

  7. Everything else has been great. I feel I do a little more, but by choice. She doesn’t ask for anything and is very thoughtful and thankful

  8. She should have told you from the beginning because it’s a complex situation that brings with it certain things you need to know (like needing lube for sex). For me the REAL red flag though is the demand that you don’t break up with her for her telling you the truth. Putting the two together strikes me as highly manipulative.

  9. You can always get an abortion and said it was a false positive or you had a miscarriage.

    But… I think you should dump him. I really hate guys who don’t wear condom.

    I ghosted men for way less that that. Once a guy complaint about wearing a condom (he lost his ere.tion and blamed on the condom) … I never saw him again. Because if during the first time he said that, I bet he would try without soon or later.

    Second: he may have get you pregnant on purpose. I’m sorry, but he may want to trap you or get a child with you and used the condom as an excuse to do it, specially if he thinks you’re not that into him.

    Get an abortion and run. Soon and fast.

  10. I don’t think there is anything you can do until you know what’s really bothering him. That’s gotta be the starting point.

  11. Jokes are only funny if everyone is laughing. It seems like he’s targeting things he knows will make you insecure/upset on purpose.

    Specifically speaking on the “I want to fuck random woman” comment, personally I would find it silly if my partner said “I would fuck Jennifer Aniston” but I would find it extremely disrespectful if he said that about someone he actually knows. If that’s the case with your partner, he’s purposely trying to make you compare yourself to these women and hurt your feelings. It’s time to kick him to the curb babe.

  12. Sounds like your teasing game went too far and she went too deep in retort.

    I would stop this teasing behavior until you both clarify that things still need to be respectful. Apparently, you can't joke about everything with each other.

  13. 6,5 EFFING years!

    he started live 2016 in spring

    he started irl 2016 in fall

    she moved in 2022 in fall

    he told her 2023 in spring

    Dude does things by seasons.

    Also…. 6,5 years without EVER meeting? ? As if!

  14. I’m also 50 lbs overweight and I have no problem loving my body. I’ve been 50 lbs lighter and felt worse about my body then than I do now because of low self esteem then. And I’ve been single most of that time too, I didn’t have anyone actively trying to show me I was attractive like OP does. In fact it was a lightbulb moment for me when I realized no one could fix this but me. A loving partner, which I would have loved to have had, could not make me love myself. Only I have the power to do that for myself.

    DBT therapy did it for me. It allowed me to accept myself as I am now while also trying to change. It’s an amazing way to on-line.


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