♥ Anna_Weells ♥ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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♥ Anna_Weells ♥, 22 y.o.

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♥ Anna_Weells ♥ on-line sex chat

21 thoughts on “♥ Anna_Weells ♥ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you share finances then it's not “my bank”. You're a married partnership and it's your money together. There's nothing wrong with what he did then. Not really sure why you mentioned that as a negative thing tbh.

  2. What urgent care center turns then away saying they don’t take new patients? Or insurance. Urgent care is just that, like an ER but smaller and will take your insurance, if your insurance doesn’t come ER that place your just on the hook for the entire bill. Sorry but that sounds like some bullshit lies he’s telling you to sidestep showing he have gave you chlamydia from cheating.

  3. Absolutely not okay. Your efforts to get the condom before sex should have been enough. He did not respect you, and I would venture to say that disrespect will appear in your relationship, as well. Men who don’t like condoms are next-level idiots. It’s not some “primal urge” to cum inside you, it’s just plain disregard for the consequences, which imo is a biiig red flag.

    If you want to continue having a relationship with him, you need to set some very firm boundaries. Your anxiety with unprotected sex is valid, and no one is allowed to make those decisions for you.

  4. Don’t meet with her. Tell her it’s a done deal and she needs to accept it, everyone else has. Don’t put yourself through the mental trauma of her berating you about a good decision that is already made.

  5. Your feelings is valid. You do not feel safe being around someone who may know/friends with your ex. Your “former” best friend did not respect that by lying to you. Best friends comes and go, seems she wasn’t a great fit for your mentality.

    I lost one of my very close friend to my ex. They ended up manipulated me to one point where I felt like I’m going crazy, I dropped them both. Never looked back and it felt fucking great! You got this girl! You do not need a negative push/pull toxic people in your life! ?

  6. You're completely spot on that mono-poly is akin to sexuality.

    I've never had a closed relationship last longer than a year because every time I ended up feeling trapped and bored, then ending things. Took me a while to figure out why, and I'm a lot happier for it now.

    I'm not a mono person. I don't feel jealousy. I can feel scorned, if we've agreed upon a rule and my partner breaks it, but I'd feel the same way whether that was watching ahead on a TV show we were watching together or sleeping with someone. Equally, the entire idea of being mono feels like agreeing to eating the same meal 3x a day forever, it could be my favourite and I'd still feel sick of it before too long.

    Trying to coerce someone either way is messed up. Whether trying to tell a mono person that they're wrong and have to put up with it, or telling a poly person that they're wrong and that they have to stay trapped.

    You are also right that cheating is just as wrong regardless of being poly. My longest relationship to date, our rule was that we couldn't see anyone other than each other repeatedly (so the emotional component was exclusive). I could go have 100x one night stands, and that was fine, but sleeping with someone as a FWB type deal would be cheating. We write our own rules, but breaking them is still cheating and is still fucked up (on a side note, every rule has to be MUTUALLY agreeable and followed).

    Reading through a lot of posts on here, I think mono relationships would kind of benefit from the same discussions you have in a poly one. The number of posts where it's “his female friend keeps touching his face”, “she shared a bed with a guy friend”, “she kissed her female friend and I don't like it” or similar crap. A simple conversation where you agree where you draw the lines would prevent all of those misunderstandings. Even in mono, there's a big grey area.

  7. It happened exactly as I described. That’s why I can’t wrap my head around things. I told them a month earlier. I even asked if they would participate on a brunch or if they would rather to have lunch, they told me they founded the idea of the brunch lovely. I knew I had vegetarian friends, so I did plenty of vegetarian food thinking of them. I has at least 10 different dishes, so it’s not like it wouldn’t have options if they did not like the food the last holiday we had was a week earlier. The time I invited them to arrive was 10:30 am, but I stayed there waiting till 2:00 pm

  8. How does it not? All morality is subjective. Saying that she has a lack of morals entails a judgement has been made. You’ve judged her and found her morality lacking in your view. Just break up. Her morals don’t align with yours. She’s happy having as much sex as she chooses and your clearly not comfortable with women having this level of comfort.

  9. Your post and comments scream of movie. Yes, real life is different. You’ve romanticized losing your virginity and are still living in a romanticized version of life.

    The first time is often not the best time. His aftercare could’ve been a bit better but he didn’t roll off you and drop you off. Y’all got food. The guy is offering for the second time in a hotel like you want. It could be better. Even with experience, sex for the first time with a new partner can be not so good.

    Also you are romanticizing waiting until marriage. Marriage doesn’t make sex apples and rainbows. It could be just as bad. There are plenty of posts in this sub about people waiting for marriage and having a sucky sex life.

    You seem immature. I recommend you come down to the real world, recalibrate what you want and communicate effectively.

  10. I feel sorry for her but she is not in a place to be in a relationship. If a lost jacket spirals into a major crisis, she needs to put her health and treatment ahead of being part of a couple.

  11. Red Flags to me. If he is talking about getting back with his ex why want to be second fiddle? Not worth the worry or headache.

    There are other people out there who won’t treat you like second fiddle. I’d move on and not get involved with him a second longer.

  12. Your child will never forget that they saw your wife hit you, never. Please get away from her and take your children. She will not stop. Your children need to be protected. Please get therapy for yourself and your children. Hope you and them find peace and healing away from her.

  13. Your boyfriend doesn't understand because he doesn't want to. He won't accept a solution because it won't solve his real issue. This is a much bigger issue than it sounds.

  14. You're not creating any drama, his friends are. And frankly, his friends sound sketchy to me. Like, I wouldn't to be alone with any of them… especially considering your boyfriend doesn't seem to believe you or care when you tell him they're making you uncomfortable.

    Personally, I would dump him. Do you really want to have to brace yourself for hours of discomfort and anxiety every time his friends come around? That is nothing something I would put up because he can't be bothered to check his friends.


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