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24 thoughts on “❤??? ??? ?????❤ the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you follow some of the advice given. Start by taking birth control and carrying condoms. Nothing will derail your future faster than an unwanted pregnancy or disease.

  2. You both need to meet with a financial advisor/credit counselor. Lay out the facts. Also talk to a real estate lawyer. In many states, if you buy a home while you are married, it's automatically marital property.

  3. I was in therapy but it's not something I can currently afford right now, I would love to go back if I could. I know what they're saying is true though it just hurts to be called a predator even if I am one, to be honest with how I've been feeling recently I am in agreement that this isn't the right career for me as it has led to suicidal feelings etc

  4. I Googled it but its not giving the definition. Idk how to know if she's sexually interested in me. We made out few times. We didn't escalated cuz we were in public place and we online with our parents.

  5. Love is great! It’s a wonderful thing. But it is NOT enough for a happy, healthy relationship. There is nothing noble about sacrificing your self respect and tamping down your own needs because you love someone. You can love someone tremendously and not be compatible. Listen to your head not your heart and you’ll be much happier

  6. Well he clearly thinks you’re lying about something. Even if you aren’t lying about something, do you want to be with someone who handles relationship problems like this? He is showing you you aren’t even worth a conversation

  7. Hello /u/Aggravating_Minute65,

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  8. Let him save for his retirement. They’ll be a reason for him not to go somewhere/ do something then too. I’m the meantime do tho go for you, with your own money. If needs be, separate finances. You get one life. Go live! it, with our without him. FWIW I had an ex husband who was older than me and content to lie on the sofa watching tv. I felt old before my time. Spoiler: divorced him and am now much happier.

  9. Let me help you here my man. She went on a vacation with someone or met someone on vacation and they had a sexual relationship that developed into something emotional and now she wants to keep her relationship with you and the benifits it affords her while still having sex with this other person without having to go through the trouble of hiding it.

    An open relationship takes a certain type of trust that she's already shattered. It also takes a certain type of person to be in it. I'm not that type of person and couldn't do it so you need to decide if you're that type of person. There's nothing wrong with consenting adults having whatever type of relationship they're most happy with as long as everyone is ok with it.

    That being said you're both still young and maybe you're not meant for each other. I don't believe in soul mates but mostly because I don't believe in souls but I digress. I believe that MOST people have someone in the world that they could have a long,healthy, and happy relationship with but sadly not everyone finds that person and you have to make due.

    Sometimes people think they've found that person at a young age and then 10/20/30 years later they find out they didn't. That's a risk we all take when we commit to a relationship. People change over time and sometimes the person you were completely compatible with 10+ years ago isn't who you're compatible with now, its sad but it happens.

    You need to decide if the person you got with 3 years ago is still compatible with you. An open relationship isn't something that a couple tries out and generally recovers from when they find out it doesn't work for them. Goodluck man

  10. Put all the pros and cons of hers on apiece od paper. Od the cons are small or easy to overlook/fix, then go for it, but if they are double the amount of pros, you have some deep questions to ask yourself of why are you still with her

  11. Hand her the divorce papers. What do you want? A long dragged out ordeal? She’s not going to be okay with it so get it filed.

  12. She had sex with her boyfriend multiple times!!!!!

    How dare she. Isn’t that what couples do.

    You are far too immature to be having sex.

    You say you are 23 but you sound like someone who is 13.

  13. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My(50m) wife(38f) of 8 years had an online affair that included “I love you” texts, phone calls, video chats/cybersex, and plans to meet up with him in March…I have numerous texts between them…i want to send the Cheaters wife some of the texts because the texts show that she doesn't know…do I send them to her? Or do I just let it be as is? I want to blow up his marriage like he did mine…and I think that she would wanna know, I would…

  14. The only way I'd be okay with a paternity test is if it was something we discussed before trying to get pregnant. This is so insulting and borderline manipulative for him to only bring it up once you are already fully committed to having his child

  15. Good question but first let me say that all humans are very hot wired to bond emotionally and physically with others. Therefore, boundaries (managing/avoiding temptation) serve to protect our primary committed relationship. You can trust – but don't trust human nature.

    Getting attention from a 'new' man (vs the old shoe/BF) is a compliment, it feels good, provides status within her social group – and mixed with alcohol tends to escalate to further contact (especially if reinforced by repeated contact on subsequent nights or if he gets her number or social media).

    Nobody goes to a club to talk with their friends (it's too noisy). And there are healthier ways (other than a meat market) to blow off steam and connect with friends than drinking.

    My goal was to discourage GNO at a club. Guys don't buy drinks unless there's hope. Take away accepting free drinks, and a chance to hang chatting her up/making her laugh pretty much discourages a guy from wasting his money. Plus the drinks and hanging one on one together (even in a crowd) rises to the level of a 'date' and sets the stage for further contact.

    If there's no free drinks or hanging out (you win), dancing once of twice by itself with a stranger seems harmless to me. And avoids an entirely separate argument about whether dancing is sexual or suggestive etc.

  16. I'm going to keep fighting best I can, I've been trying to get in shape even though I can't really walk yet. I was never a big person for working out, but so far every day I spend 2 hours doing various stretches and excersizes. My loss of appetite lead to it becoming easier for me to eat healthier too so in some ways I'm already improving, still terrified of life though. Life was so simple so relaxed and now it's nothing but stress. Trying to define what stress I need and what I don't.

  17. OP, you've received a lot of good advice in this thread, but I wanted to add on and say that you look absolutely radiant in that photo. Screw your ex (I HOPE!) for making you feel bad about yourself.

  18. completely inappropriate to say to someone on their wedding day. I am livid honestly. what a tasteless joke. cut this asshole out of your life. he ruined what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. if I were your wife I'd be furious, old friend or not, how the hell did they think that would be funny? “yeah the person's you're about to marry fucked that guy ages ago but JUST KIDDING!!” no. not funny at all.


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