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29 thoughts on “????? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Let her parents know what she is doing. Find the best lawyer and serve her the papers.

    Start working on yourself. Keep away from alcohol and drugs. Keep away from anything that would destroy you. Join a gym. Use your anger to work out on your muscles and body shape. Keep yourself occupied with different things. Get into IC for Infidelity trauma.

    This time is bad. It will take time for you to get healed but, if you try, you will get healed. Do not let her come back to your life again.

  2. oh yeah u shouldve, i mean even then open marriages is controversial so people still would say dumb shit, but whatever works for yall

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  4. Ok let me get my head around. Was the situation actually that you were eloping and the first your sister heard about it was when she asked you to babysit? If this is the case she’s probably hurt that she didn’t get invited to her sisters wedding. How did your parents react to you eloping?

  5. Fml are you serious? If you were reading a book about the medieval/ancient world you would definitely find that type of thing because that’s the type of thing that happened. Offspring, especially daughters, where considered pawns in the great game of politics and nationhood.

  6. So you don’t like being funny and you don’t like sexy tattoos? Sounds like your girlfriend needs a cooler boyfriend who knows how to read.

  7. Your mother is being heartless. I'm so sorry.

    Don't make decisions around the idea you want to keep people like this in your life. Trust me, you're better off without anyone who loves so conditionally and so cruelly. It's going to hurt for a long time but it'll hurt more and longer if you give in to this kind of manipulation.

    Lay it all our for everyone: he left you, he slept with a friend, and now he's suffering the consequences of his choices. But it's no longer your job to make anyone happy by setting yourself on fire.

    It's going to cost you a lot of relationships, but why keep people who only like you for what you do for them?

  8. I would think that she was actually enjoying it but is now feeling guilty/embarrassed/ashamed. You asked several times and she gave you the green light verbally and non verbally.

    You do need to sit down and discuss this with her. Also you don’t have to have P in V sex to stop being a virgin. Virginity is a societal construct based in religion, transfer of ownership of women between father and husband and primogeniture.

  9. Geez talk about being your own worst enemy. His ego is inflated to the point of delusion. I think you getting out of this now will be the best thing for you. He is the type who will struggle his whole working life because he always views himself as right and if someone disagrees he will be an asshole about it.

  10. You must be like OP's boyfriend to not see this as a red flag. Who you hang around with is also important and shows what kind of person you are.

  11. right, let’s crush a 2k computer you need for work and see how you react after being pinned down.

  12. He wants to dim your light because you're outshining him. If he wants less let him go find it. I'm proud of you for doing you and pursuing the shit you love. Leave his insecure ass if hes not willing to change

  13. You spelled ex boyfriend wrong. He's already dumped you and has no intention of paying you back.

  14. I'm vindictive, this is probably bad advice, but I would tell him that he is invited to your graduation – the price of entry is every single cent he owes in child support, paid in full, at least 24 hours before the event. If he can't afford entry, byebye.

  15. If you spend any time at all on Reddit you would know how this is going to end. Sorry your relationship is over no matter what you choose so make the power move and just break up with him.

  16. Not OP, don't know OP, but I have family from Iran, non-practicing Muslim and they drink regularly. Possibly a similar scenario?

  17. I’m not perfect – but you’re literally trying to have a conversation about something g you literally admitted you weren’t reading.

    Then backpeddled and said you skimmed.

    THEN said you missed half a sentence.

    Your replies are inconsistent and because I’m literally pointing out the gaps in your logic, you’re offended? People can have college degrees and still use lingo – it’s called Ebonics. Dawg, bro, sis, etc are all acceptable forms of acknowledgment regardless of college education.

    You’re choosing to literally ignore the main point of my original comments, act dense, and become offended because it’s pointed out you’re not making sense.

    I’m not here to make you feel all warm and fuzzy about your exhibitions of your thought process. It didn’t make sense and you failed to clarify. I already said goodnight – for the third time now. We’re both snarky, im here because I have nothing to do – but accept where you went wrong too bro ? your feelings are not my responsibility.


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