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57 thoughts on “♡ ELI ♡ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I do not know what to do,

    You break up with him. That's it. There is no other answer here, there is no other way to make this work.

    Your bf (and his family??) are ok with keeping a PEDOPHILE and CHILD RAPIST in their lives.

    Read that again.

    This cousin is a confessed PEDOPHILE and CHILD RAPIST, and the family keeps inviting him around.

    Deep down, you know they're all messed up to be ok with keeping in touch with that sick man. You don't owe any of them any of your time, effort, or reasoning to try and be gentle about working it out with your bf.

    You. Owe. Them. Nothing.

    There's no other choice here but to break up with him and distance yourself from the entire family. Burn those bridges and do not look back.

  2. I mean, I still don’t think a line was crossed, but I absolutely do agree he should tell his gf. To some degree, only because it sounds like a secret he feels uncomfortable keeping, and if they stay together and it comes out later, it would likely cause a bigger splash. But I also think your sex life is YOUR sex life and you don’t owe anyone, even your partner, details you don’t want to share.

  3. His mum knows she's losing him to you. It's probably just that simple. You represent him moving out and getting on with his life (a life that'll leave less time for mother/son interactions). Unless there's something particular to you that you're leaving out of this question, this likely just comes down a woman reluctant to let her adult son leave the nest. She'd probably be a bit standoffish with any romantic partner he brought home.

  4. OMG, OP, I have two daughters and this breaks my heart.

    Ok Fifi is right, your school counselor/teacher is going to be best placed to get you help, but if you’re in the US you might already be out of school for the next three weeks… if he tries anything with you, call the police.

    Never allow yourself to be alone with him – not once. He is only waiting for an opportunity, and is probably looking forward to you being out of school because there will be more opportunities with you home and not at school. Be vigilant.

    RECORD THE SONG! Record any encounter you can! Get a record app on your phone and set it with one of your quick-use buttons. (You know, like where you can hit some side-of-phone button three times without unlocking your phone and it’ll do whatever you’ve got it set to do? I’ve never done it, but have heard of this great ability from others wiser than me… I know I’ve totally fucked up the description because I am An Old but hopefully you, as a wise-in-the-ways-of-technology teenager, can figure it out easily!) RECORD EVERYTHING!!! And lock your door every single time you go to your room.

    Oh, OP, I feel terrible for you. Your mother has failed you. If you have any family, friends, neighbors, ANYONE you can stay with this holiday break, do it. Frame it to your mom as “leaving her and her new hubby to spend some quality time together, alone, for their first Christmas as man and wife.” Or whatever she wants to hear! Just get away if you can. Record the conversation with your mom. Record everything. You want to have proof of your word, no matter how innocent or unimportant the conversation seems.

    If he touches you, CALL THE FUCKING POLICE. This guy is DEFINITELY planning to do terrible things to you. Your mother cannot be trusted to help. Do not go to her for help, go straight to the authorities. If you give her a warning, she will try to protect him, not you. You can no longer consider your mom a safe person. She probably has severe psychological/emotional problems that are NOT YOUR FAULT OR YOUR PROBLEM, but that’s the only thing that would explain her behavior in the face of an obvious threat to her daughter’s safety.

    I’m so, so sorry, OP. I wish I could hug you and keep you safe! Just remember, you are a bright, smart, good person, and you are worthy of love, and safety, and help when you need it. Please take care of yourself! Sending you all my love and prayers and good feelings. Update this post if you’re able to and feel like it, but no pressure.

  5. Yes, little kids do it and think nothing of it or just think it’s funny, but he’s a big boy and if his wife or someone else is repulsed by it, be considerate and don’t do it

  6. This is a huge over reaction, especially as it all goes down the same pipe. It's fine that he doesn't like that act and talks about it, but to throw you out of the house speaks to some mental issue that might require therapy.

  7. Lol I love how people are like “the baby won’t eat! The baby won’t sleep!”

    Like, they’re barely cognizant, they’ll sleep when they’re tired and eat when they’re hungry.

  8. Hello /u/Dhalia-llama,

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  10. I'm an attorney, not your attorney or the attorney for anyone on this website, but you are confused. Divorce is actually a simplification of the incredibly messy legal situation that unmarried couples find themselves in when they break up after cohabitating for a long time.

    State laws about divorce were created while thinking about convenience, fairness, and predictability. You don't get the benefit of those laws if you aren't getting divorced. Instead you have a messy and expensive civil suit with contract lawyers instead of family law lawyers, on top of the family law lawyers you'd need in custody cases anyway if kids are ever born.

    Marriage offers legal protections even in divorce that you just don't get in a breakup. I say this as someone without a desire to get married for social reasons, there are more legal benefits to marriage than not.

  11. I guess youre saying that either I am the first girl that he sought out for her age or he's sought other girls and is lying. I guess there is no way for me ti know how true either of those things are. I won't go defending him because I know that's downvote hell lol.

  12. So yeah, he's your ex now right?

    He doesn't respect your boundaries and forced you to escalate to assert your bodily autonomy around him, then he makes it about him and his hurt feelings and punished you by storming off.

    This is him showing you what he's like, showing you how well he listens to you, showing you how entitled he feels to accessing your body.

    He's showing you who he is when he storms off to punish you.

    Are you ok with this?

  13. You wrote a lot, I read most of it, but stopped when you started talking about the 'why' of the affair..

    At the end of the day, there is no defending the indefensible and rationalizing that type of behaviour.

    Dating is an audition for marriage. She's failed. She's shown that when the going gets tough, she'd rather step out and fullfill her needs instead of doing the bare minimum and communicating with you.

  14. Sorry bro. You need to leave her and work on yourself. The fact that she hide from you says it all. Remember that Men age like fine wine and you will meet someone better once you past this grief

  15. What's likely to happen is your going to crack and have sex with him. But for now, you made a new friend. Congrats!

  16. oh my gosh i am so sorry that is awful!! disgusting and sick that he would do that. You can NEVER trust him again. Please stay somewhere safe, the fact that he would do that to you is terrible. You should leave him as soon as u can please get out of there

  17. You’re absolutely not being harsh. He crossed a big fat line by engaging in a sexual act without your consent, and it’s a particularly derogatory act at that. If his PTSD is that badly then perhaps he should be abstaining from sex until he’s in a position mentally to control himself during the act.

    As it stands I don’t think it’s something I could ever forgive. The what if would always be playing on my mind.

  18. Oh, when he asks why you didn't get him a gift, say, “You know, you never get me one so I decided to stop doing it, too. Some relationships just aren't gifting relationships.”

  19. She's not staying “out” until 10am. She's staying “in” with someone. She's sleeping somewhere.

    She's leaving the club, and going home with someone, sleeping, and then coming home after she's awake.

    So where is she sleeping after leaving the club/bar/party? If she's not telling you that, or if it doesn't make sense, she is 100% cheating.

  20. He doesn't like you. He may tell you what you want to hear, but his actions say the opposite. At this point, it doesn't matter if he's seeing someone else or not. He doesn't actually care about you. I want you to challenge yourself to take one full month of not reaching out first. Don't text first, don't initiate plans, don't make suggestions. Just follow his lead and see what happens. See how often he thinks about you without being prompted. It's been three years of uncertainty and you begging for scraps. Don't you think you deserve better? I bet he treats his friends better than this.

    You'll have to walk away because you want something better (or at just different) than this. You're going to feel overwhelmed when you encounter someone who is actually happy to be around you.

  21. I can understand that, I just wondered why it happened so suddenly instead telling me. But thanks for your comment.

  22. Ok so lean towards breaking up. Her friend is gonna have randoms at their place all the time and expect her to entertain the other guys. It’s only a matter of time until she gets sucked into that lifestyle. You are young, you’ll be able to focus on your career better without worrying about her.

  23. Dont wait. This only causes couples to rush faster into getting married. Additionally, having a active sexual life with your girlfriend will ensure you are both compatible. I would also advise living together for at least 1 year prior to marriage.

  24. And why would I do that? There is a chance for a healthy relationship here. And she has a completely valid reason as to why she wants to stay single this year.

  25. Your wife has been lying to you for the past 3 years. She doesn't regret any of it, if she did she wouldn't still be in contact with the man she cheated on you with. The woman you thought you knew doesn't exist. Its been a lie. You should get out now before you waste anymore time with her. Get an STD test and talk to a lawyer.

  26. This sub has to give the worst fucking advice ever. It's porn somehow bad? It's fantasizing or jerking off bad? It's finding other women attractive bad? Sure if these dudes are sharing pictures of their girlfriends, under age kids or whatever then this shouldn't be tolerated but otherwise who cares? The human body is beautiful, and so long as one isn't getting exploited there's no harm here. If op feels uncomfortable then it's a boundary that should be respected but you all telling her to leave him are out of your mind.

  27. Yeah, I fully get where you’re coming from. And I should realize that 100%. But sometimes there’s no way to fully shut down doubts especially when people make comments like ”He hired her? He obviously likes young women.” under this post as it is. It just supports my mistrust tbh and makes me worry that he might’ve actually hired her cause he finds her attractive and wants something to do with her. Ridiculous I know. Therapist gotta hear about all of it

  28. Exclusive is an agreement between you, and he violated that agreement.

    Also, I don't know why you keep talking about “no red flags” because you had red flags at the start, and found ones he hid from you.

    Dude told you he loved you and was on tinder.

  29. You have this list of ingredients you think will make a perfect life, strong career, highly educated, large social circle. You envy what you see others have. These things are no guarantee that you will have a happy life. Don’t throw away what you have.

  30. I’ve thought about that but having put a down payment on a house together and adopting a cat together has got me feeling trapped. Legally, I can’t back out of the contract for our apartment or get my money back. And I don’t know if I could let her just take our cat

  31. Yikes. This is a big no for me. Life gets harder, not easier, and it only becomes increasingly harder to stay on top of house chores as life gets really busy. She’s not a partner. She’s a toddler, because only children have this much difficulty taking accountability for their actions.

    30 is not too old to start over and invest in a relationship with an actual partner in life.!

  32. You make a decision.

    Your fiancé or your ex.

    While your fiancé not wanting any other men around you is very controlling and misogynistic. Your description of your relationship and reliance on your ex for emotional and mental support is inappropriate for someone who is supposed to be in a committed relationship.

  33. Unfortunately you can't help somebody who doesn't want to help themselves. Maybe you should just sit him down one day and ask him straight, “Do you still love me?” If he doesn't, then you need to decide what to do from there. If he says he does, then you need to go for couple's therapy because things can't carry on as they are. Good luck.

  34. Ehhh.. this huys is a psycho and you should run to the hills with the child. You can't stay with a guy like this, he is controlling and very creepy. OP it is time for you to look for the exit and walk out.

  35. Especially people that got sober and going through the 9 steps sometimes reach out to important people from their past. That's what happened to an me with an ex of mine.

  36. You can change your mind. Tell him that since you agreed to this you realized he's using your relationship to manipulate you. He should care that it's breaking your heart and putting you in a position where you can't even enjoy your own wedding because he's determined to prove something be including your father. Apparently he only cares that he gets his way, and that's telling you a lot about your future together.

    Rather than wait for him to threaten to divorce you when you stand up for yourself in the future, it will be simpler to end the relationship now.

  37. A rather blanket statement from him but to me it kind of indicates that even if your relationship progresses and you're his wife/lifelong partner, he will still never put you first in his life.

    Ask yourself if you're happy to be his second best (basically his mum but with benefits) and make your decision from there. I wouldn't.

  38. I make more than he does so if anything he’s asking me for purchases. Doesn’t seem unfair to me at all tbh

  39. Did you even read the post? You must have missed the part about all the incomprehensible and unacceptable abusive behavior she was just subjected to by the one person in her life that is supposed to be her strongest support. I’d never trust this man’s perception, opinions and beliefs ever again.

    Or maybe a bot? Because that’s such an illogical and unreasonable statement.


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