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3 thoughts on “Amy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam”
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Sadly now a days it's normal for guys to follow half nude women on ig thinking it's just as harmless as watching porn. He most definitely doesn't think of it as cheating but you should really have a conversation with him about porn addiction and you guys sex life.
Tbh … this sounds a but like the beginning of a long list of things that your BF does, which annoys you. I was with you on the clothes but now it's the time of day (or night) he showers? Come on dude. So your going to ask him to completely change the way he views showering and dressing and then what will be next? How he sleeps? The way he talks, how he walks? It does sound like you may have Mysophobia though as all this seems to revolve around germs.
It's not your wife's place to tell you what to do in this regard. Although, I am shocked your sister is comfortable bringing her children around him. I see you are not so naive. She can choose not to be around him. Your kids should obviously not be around him. But again, it is not her place to order you to do anything.