Asya the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Asya, 24 y.o.


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6 thoughts on “Asya the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You sound like you have a serious savior complex. Your line about how everything you do for your gf is ‘soul breaking’ pushed it into martyr territory. You are nice about her triggers, introduced her to your family, talk to her daily and encourage her. HTF is that ‘soul breaking?’ Ffs.

    It sounds like you treat her like a project and jump in and do everything, even stuff she hasn’t asked you to do. You curtail her developing emotional resilience, self reliance, and self confidence. Then you hold it over her head that it’s ‘soul breaking’ to do this stuff it’s not even clear she wants or asked for.

    Bob may actually do more for her by listening and encouraging her to be independent. Long term, that’s better for her mental health than someone who does everything. Or, he may not do much for her, but she’s frustrated and feels smothered and undermined by all your ‘help.’

    I suggest you seek therapy to understand why you have a savior complex. This isn’t healthy for either of you.

  2. I agree. My gf said she’s looked in her area and can’t find anyone else who is taking new clients and specializes in that right now. I don’t want her to not be seeing anyone, but I also don’t want her to see someone who isn’t doing much for her. She’s also opposed to people who she can’t see through her insurance

  3. We argue for very little things and get upset very easily both, then we stay cold and distant for a very long time for no reason, we dont know if its just a problem of communication caused by the period himself or its a deeper problem

  4. >Felt the need to vent


    >I,(F19) have a been a hooker since I was 14

    By all accounts you should have been dead by now, as well as your child. If you think that sentence defines you – no, it doesn't. I am way older, generally considered extremely capable book & street-wise BOTH – and SO I can honestly say – you are not alive by luck alone, you are alive by brains, instinct, heart …. some combo that you do way better than most on this earth.

    You are better than me.

    I am not a good person but I AM quite fair = a genuine fair person – which I actually honestly think is not common – so that's not some emotional crap to uplift-a-helpless-hooker-and-make-her-feel-good-for-a-while shit – it's my real feeling & judgment.

    >From that moment until now,I’ve slept with over 300 men,(M20-50) not something I am proud of,but something I had to do,to survive.

    If I were you, I would be dead or worse or a junkie or at best, a homeless man knowing most of the tricks to survive.

    >I never got to even start high-school but I know she will one day. I’ve done a lot of things I am not proud of,ruined some marriages so I know I am not a good person,but my daughter is and she deserves it all

    You came here in a moment of weakness / need to rest for a bit – I guess.


    Don't stop fighting, girl.

  5. the only time his behaviour would be understandable is if you threw up on someone's wedding dress after getting blackout drunk.

    this is such an over reaction. its not like you did it on purpose. shit happens. he kinda reminds me of my father. he is so concerned with outside perception and his image. we always have to dress up to go everywhere or he'd get upset. its annoying really.


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