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Erik and Alice online sex chat

24 thoughts on “Erik and Alice the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I mean, yeah ironically I would have given your advice to someone and thought myself crazy. When he first mentioned me moving in, I was against it because I wanted my freedom still, and I was going to look into an apartment when I get a better job here soon Perhaps I need to go back to that mentality if I’m not ready to move into his house that I don’t like? I feel bad because I feel like I agreed to move in but then I really thought about it and I was stressing out. That stress of moving into that property is probably pushing me towards a house when In reality I should be taking a step back and renting my own place? Even if it’s not a good investment and id be saving money if I moved in with him—I just don’t think I can move into his little house, even if he would love me to be there. You know?

  2. u/Kukotzki, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Had this guy actually dated you or do you just go to his for sex (or not sex)? This doesn’t sound very fulfilling – it sounds like he’s not actually trying to get to know you and just wants you to fill a void

  4. Hello /u/Anxiousbutter_,

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  5. Given OP's attitude in her replies, this guy definitely should separate from her… To me, her post reads like she just wants the dog gone for good. She clearly never saw the dog as “their” dog and I do understand her distress about her cat, but she doesn't even think about rehoming or how this might be the fault of them, if the dog had known issues. She sounds very “my way or the highway”, despite this being about the life of an animal.

  6. I think the American version is named after the appliance, not the place – like hoover and vacuum. But some of them did used to have people employed who could do a wash and fold for you if you paid them a bit more. Like everything that gets modernised they have been mostly been phased out now and it used to be people who were less physically able to do their own washing in the machines would use this service.

  7. He won't be any good.

    That's how everyone is when they start a new activity they've never done before. There's no reason to think he'll be an exception, and it's shitty if his teachers taught him to give up on stuff that he didn't find easy.

    He needs to stop thinking about how good he should be. Being “good” in bed is for experienced people, not beginners.

    While some people treat sex as a sport, it's not what it's usually about.

    It's about intimacy. It's about fun. It's about exploring together. It's about learning what your partner likes. It's about discovering what you like.

    It doesn't have to be a performance. That's what porn actors do (and let me tell you, they have their own problems sometimes, they just don't end up on screen).

    In the privacy of your bedroom? He's not expected to perform. He won't get judged for a bad performance. He's just expected to be there and possibly to not run away in the middle of things. Or it's ok if he runs, as long as he comes back with an explanation of what triggered it and how to avoid it in the future. That's it. That's all that's needed. Willingness.

    First goal shouldn't certainly be successful PIV sex with both of you having an orgasm. It's about intimacy and feeling good, right? So first goal is being intimate, and do things that feel good. Actual penetration and orgasms are advanced topics that he'll have time to delve into when he feels comfortable with the basics.

    The goal is to be together and feel good. Not orgasms. Not his penis staying nude. Not penetration. Sounds more reasonable, yes? Get hot, lie down, touch each other, yay! Goal achieved!

    (Ok now, sex isn't that naked, he'll be fine when he stops self sabotaging, but let's not tell him that you expect him to reach a certain level of competence eventually. Start small)

  8. So you’re just owning the lies when she finds them out? That’s not how you “work on it”.

    That’s just you STILL lying because you won’t own the biggest shittiest lie of all.

    You have no right to date anyone until you can own every fucking lie you’ve told any of your girlfriends, past and present.

  9. Yeah, this would be an “everyone sucks here” situation. No one is innocent, and they're all actively making things worse.

  10. I can't cancel or postpone the wedding, we traveled half way across to the world to our parents for the wedding. A lot of money, effort and time has been spend on it. I cannot do it to our families.

    It's my fault for not seeing it sooner

  11. I wouldn't want my girls anywhere near this man. You already know what you're dealing with here, trust your gut.

  12. It could be possible but too much elaboration, too much not calling to police. She is been stalked but always there was an explanation for it and she thought it was not necessary to ask for extra security. I would contact a lawyer immediately and get ready for a divorce but also investigate a bit by myself or by PI in case this a revenge story.

  13. i’m so glad you found Bennis. For husband To be that insanely jealous of a cat, rehome him and then get his coworker involved in giving you the runaround is unconscionable.

    His coworker’s wife needs to have have a talk about his cruelty as well.

  14. Bruh just re read your story and when realization sets in on how stupid this is move on. This just sounds like drama and a headache you don’t want to be apart of

  15. Yeah, under normal circumstances I'm not a fan of ultimatums, but this is not a normal circumstance. She keeps accusing him of something pretty major but won't say why. OP needs to get to the bottom of this or let her go. Trust in her aside, why would he want to marry someone who so clearly doesn't trust him?

  16. Whoa………..if she doesn't work and is unwilling to do her part at home, what the hell does she contribute? Don't do this to yourself. You're in a bad relationship. Cut the dead weight loose.

  17. I mean we’re all different and we’ve all been through different things so you can’t judge. And I agree on the room payments, that’s something that I will discuss with him also.


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