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24 thoughts on “HannahJames710 , ??? ???? ?? ??????????.???! the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Neither girl is “the woman” nor “the other woman” they are both FWB. everyone in this story is single.

    Thats how relationships work. You have to actively agree to enter into a monogamous exclusive relationship. Going on a few dates is not a commited monogamous relationship.

  2. u/Consistent-Pin-7642, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. u/Impossible_Lemon2102, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Speaking as someone whose parents divorced when they were 10 – I wish my parents had been divorced sooner. My dad was having an affair pretty much the entire time they were married. Iโ€™m the only biological child between my parents (I have a younger sister who is adopted), and I favour my mum very much in looks & personality. As an adult i have a very limited relationship with my father and have my stepdadโ€™s surname – and Iโ€™ll keep it when I change it again. My mum didnโ€™t give us the real reason that she and dad split up until my sister and I were 15 and 16. I wish sheโ€™d told us sooner, but I understand why she didnโ€™t. Donโ€™t stay together for your daughter.

  6. No matter what happens. The bottom line here is that your husband has accused you of cheating on him. Get a DNA test done on your son and then divorce him. He doesnโ€™t get to be nice to one child and not the other.

  7. It can be scary to be alone if weโ€™re not used to it. But I can tell you as a therapist, a really good skill to have is the ability to be alone. Youโ€™ll make less mistakes (when it comes to dating). Take this time to get better at this skill.

    Youโ€™re not compatible and thatโ€™s ok. It happens. Another way of looking at it (the time you spent together) is that you learned a lot about yourself and what you do and donโ€™t want in a partner.

  8. Hello /u/rosa08310721,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  9. This. Don't think to much on it now, but yea, this reads as one of those trickle truth scenarios to see how much of her guilt she can burden you with before things break. Absolute skeptic on the internet putting negative in your brain, but still, check with her friend/ask more details. 3 years and that. Ugg.

  10. As of right now I put him in the kids room and the children will be staying with me. Im hoping that him being removed from his games and having to sleep alone for a while will make him realize exactly how far this has gone. Before now all we have done is talk about it. I feel ive been complacent in regards to this and need to stand up for myself more to send a clear message. If this last try does nothing then he can go home where his mom can take care of him.

  11. You are not a professionally trained therapist. This is beyond your skill level. You can be a friend, but currently, she needs help.

  12. Iโ€™m really sorry, but there is no trust in this marriage anymore. There is no hope. Five years is a long time and the fact that she could have contracted an std and still didnโ€™t tell you days a lot about her character as well. Get a lawyer, hopefully have proof ready, start dividing an assets that she wonโ€™t notice and prepare to fight for yourself and your children.

  13. You should go to a strip clup and see exactly how much bullshit your bf is spewing..it most definitely is sexual place and people most definitely do go “oooh sexy girls, that get naked for money and will do anything for it, I wish I could be with”..it is fun entertainment, if you are entertained by women with virtually no clothes on simulating sex acts in front of you or on you, with the option of the more you pay them the more they do..

    Anyways, show up at the strip club for his bachelor party. If it is harmless entertainment then that shouldn't be a problem.

  14. You tell him what you're feeling. You let him know why you're being distant/different.

    Partners support eachother. Either he can decide to stay with you, support you, and understand the dynamic change, or he can decide it's too much and leave.

    Or you decide that right now isnt the time for you to be in a relationship and you split. Figure out yourself and attempt to reconnect in the future. Up to him if he wants to or not. The important thing is that you aren't stringing him along.

  15. You need to kick him out of your home. He is totally disrespecting you. His dad dying 18mths ago, and him being a veteran is absolutely no excuse for being a liar and a cheat. Before anyone argues re the veteran part, I am ex military, and my family is four generations of military service, possibly more. Every generation saw active service and not one of them strayed from their partners.

    He is having aex with his ex because he wants to and she is available. Don't take him back. Get yourself checked out for stds.

  16. i do agree and this is how i am in most cases.

    but with him, sometimes he wonโ€™t tell me whatโ€™s wrong unless i ask him multiple times, and in that case it usually is about me and he just doesnโ€™t want to talk about it or something. so idk what to do about that


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