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24 thoughts on “hardworkertn the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. We are as honest and open to as much communication as possible, I just need advice on how to approach what I wrote in this post and how to communicate this correctly.

  2. I haven’t, but he doesn’t seem nervous when I go on his phone anymore, just to look something up for a second or to use it, not to search through I haven’t done that again. I think a lot of it was me just being paranoid to be honest. I’m just going to have fun and be happy in our relationship, if he gives me a reason to be suspicious I will ask about it and maybe look at his phone but if it turns out he is cheating then I’ll leave him. There’s no reason to stress out about it when I have nothing against him. He hasn’t done anything wrong I just got a bad feeling, and I tend to trust my gut. But at the end of the day he treats me well and I love him and I just want to have a great relationship not be stressing about that, if it comes up again I’ll talk to him about it of course. Im not sure what I would gain from telling him I still feel weird about what happened awhile ago now because he doesn’t have anything else to show, he would just offer me to look through his phone again but I don’t have a reason to. It’s not fair to him. I think it helped getting feedback from everyone on Reddit because I just need someone to tell me their opinion form an outside perspective because I know how paranoid I am and how I blow things out of proportion in my head. Sometimes I just need an unbiased persons perspective. I appreciate the feedback

  3. “She's been browsing pet stores”.

    That's the red flag right there. Instead of browsing about dog behaviour, dog breeds, training, their needs… She just focused on getting a cute puppy, a goldedoodle petland, ffs!

  4. Hello /u/Floydian44,

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  6. No but saying its pointless reading books to someone who enjoys reading books might be considered a red flag in some social circles

  7. I'm sorry but your wife sounds insufferable. Like, you sound like a wounded puppy atp. Idk why you would want to continue on this way.

  8. Well, that escalated pretty fast.

    You are quite unlikable. So it raises questions.

    I'd give a lot to hear another side of this story.

    You are 26 and somehow managed to live a life before your boyfriend.

    No one here is saying “lol, stop being poor”. You were given tips where to run and how to trim spendings.

    You chose to be snarky. Is this how you communicate with people around you?


    No, doesn't seem like it. Seems like a pissy teenager throwing a tantrum when Santa didn't give him everything at once.

    It doesn't work this way. Reddit will not magically fart out a good chunk of money for you and a faithful boyfriend.

    It's your job take care of your own ass, not for some strangers to come and save you.

    You don't want to hear what you can dig towards to but want to flip people left and right for sound advice?

    Then, sit tight and suck it up, buttercup.

  9. After 4 months of not being introduced to his friends, a superbowl party would be the most appropriate time to introduce you to his friend group. Although you can't just show up with him and he does need to ask permission from the host to invite you, but really that's a 20 second text message he sends to his friend.

    His unwillingness to involve you into his life is really suspicious IMO. You introduced him to the important people in your life and that should have been his moment to step up and reciprocate and he's clearly intentionally not doing that.

    Either you are together now or you're not. At this stage of a relationship, a together couple would have introduced you to at least some of his friends and family.

  10. During our second night, I got a little too drunk and ended up hooking up with someone I met at the club.

    So let me get this straight: you cheated on your fiancé, demanded everyone lie on your behalf, your sister told your fiancé what you did (which is, objectively, the right thing to do), and your fiancé broke up with you. She didn't “steal” him: you were unfaithful and betrayed his trust and he broke up with you. Anything past that is not really any of your business, to be honest.

  11. No one can tell you what you “SHOULD” feel. You feel hurt and kind of grossed out. That's valid, and it makes sense given the context.

    You need to figure out what you want to do with those feelings. Are they enough to want to dump her because those feelings will probably not go away and prevent you from being in the relationship fully and lovingly? Are they enough to try to work through your feelings of disgust and hurt in therapy? Do you need some time on your own to figure it out?

  12. i’ve received good advice, actually. dont project your own mental limitations upon this fine community.

  13. If this is a scam, then Jane is earning money with the video calls. The video calls cause John to give her money.

    That’s a very good effort-for-money scheme.

  14. You leave.

    She endangered herself by doing MDMA outside of the boundaries you both agreed to. She lied about it.

    She lied about her relationship with the couple.

    She is likely lying about the guy only trying to involve her in a threesome – he probably already did.

  15. You think OP was a clear communicator here? I think they’re entitled to feel how they did about the joke but it’s really not all the serious as to storm out and fly home early.

    No heroes here.

  16. I’m going to go ahead and summarize all of this in a very easy-to-understand way just in case you are somehow still confused:

    The Problem: Grandparents worrying (which we all know this actually means ‘not approving’) is more important to you then your own child’s happiness, health and life.

    So this leaves you with ONLY two choices: 1. Continue caring more about the grandparents with how they feel and what they think = no relationship with son


    Make your own son your priority #1 and fully support him, even if grandparents don’t like it = have relationship with son

  17. I approached the subject to go and get married with papers and just our families at some restaurant and she really said that she wants to be a bride more than my wife…

    Did you ask her what she meant by that? Some people simply want a big party to celebrate their relationship with their loved ones, family and friends. Nothing wrong with that….

    Did you never discuss expectations before proposing?

  18. I edited it but to answer your question nothing has ever happened between me and her only reason I know her is because of him and my gf and his gf just met eachother and everything went well so I’m not suee

  19. Well..it kinda DOES sound like theyre for you…but in case they aren't, it is still not appropriate in my eyes. If a man was sending me love songs…and it was not my bf it'd be awkward and weird. if a girl sent my bf love songs id be pissed, even if they're just friends. Its inappropriate, and it makes your bf uncomfortable for good reasons. a simple “hey, look. this is too close to crossing a boundary, please do not send them anymore.” or “Hey! Love the songs but maybe don't send them to me again, it makes me uncomfortable.” would be fine and understandable.

  20. “When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer!!!”

    Sorry, your use of wondering instead of wandering threw me.


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