the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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8 thoughts on “ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Go back to your home state ! He WON’T be your support system and having a newborn as a first time mom is intense , you will need all the help and love you can get .

  2. Leave it while you still can, brother. She'll do this over and over again. She'll never genuinely feel anything more for you than the great guy she can always use as a safety net until the next guy comes along. She wants attention, and you're giving it to her. It's learned helplessness at this point. Focus on yourself, king. She's NOT the girl for you.

  3. Some people express in a different way, doesn't mean it's bad or alarming. Like u said, he is a man of few words, so he might not talk too much.

    Also stop comparing him to ur ex. Both r different people and both will have a different way of showing love. Talk to him first regarding ur needs. And the same goes for u fulfilling his needs.

  4. He’s within his right to ask for a test,to eliminate any doubt, you are also within your right to be offended by his distrust.. There’s several ways this can play out.. 1; you do the test and drop the matter after the results. 2; do the test and file for divorce. 3; do the test and continue to be resentful. 4; don’t do the test, he’ll do it discretely and you’ll never know (unless it’s not his). 4; no test and he’ll spend the rest of the child’s life always in doubt, potentially not bonding…

    There’s no right or wrong way to deal with the situation, as you both are entitled to your feelings. I personally am team dna and wish every person is tested though I know logically it can’t be done- but I grew up with a case of paternity fraud so I know first hand the damage that does to an entire family. I did offer my partner to dna test but he refused (baby is carbon copy of him).

  5. Wow. You aren’t going to like this. If it were me, it would either be couples therapy or divorce. My brother married a woman like this. Literally within days of getting married, she made it clear that even small niceties like saying thank you for something nice he had done, weren’t going to happen anymore. Not okay. I guarantee you that if you have kids, this will get so much worse and it’s already awful. Marriage does take work. We work because we don’t want to end up where you already are with a person who has no intention of being the woman who you married. False advertising. She got the ring and the paperwork so she no longer has to put in any effort. You don’t want this to be the rest of your life. You really don’t.

  6. I mean if he was cutting out just porn and masturbation it would probably definitely help him mentally, but cutting out a healthy sexual relationship with his girlfriend sounds like a waste. I don’t think it will hurt him one way or another but it may just piss you off.


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