Lain the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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12 thoughts on “Lain the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Honestly sounds like a real gentleman. I would thank him and probably be appreciated that you have a real king instead of some loser you hear about all the time around here.

  2. How can you possibly not know what was going on in the home where your child lived? Did you never talk to her on the phone or through letters, ask her about her day, ask her about her dad, anything? You say you visited every two years so you would have been back at least once during the period she was taking care of him, did you not bother to determine what was going on at that point?

    If you were even remotely involved or invested in checking up on her life you would have had some idea that she was taking care of her father. If true, it actually makes it worse that you didn't know.

  3. You obviously need to be working with a therapist. But it also wouldn't hurt for you to get into some kind of a loved-ones-of-addicts support group. It's not easy to be with an addict but you also have to at point step back and recognize that he didn't do these things to you. You chose to stay in a relationship with someone who was being controlled by a disease. Hate the illness not the sufferer but also take responsibility for some of the less than ideal choices you've made. P.S. When someone has drugged themselves “into a coma” it's a job for paramedics, not an untrained girlfriend. Start asking for the help you need so you won't feel so overwhelmed.

  4. Wow I am surprised at all the comments. OP you know your husband deep down and why you married him. It really sounds like he’s struggling with deeper emotions personally and using the house as an excuse to continue to hide them. John Gottman has some great material on YouTube!!

  5. You will forever find people who can’t comprehend sleeping in different rooms. I don’t see this as the problem, coming from someone who is happily married to mutually high sex drive, and sleep in separate rooms. It does not prevent intimacy we want to happen It sounds to me like communication issue. If he asked would you have had sex? Does he have any reason to think you wouldn’t have wanted to (waking me from dead sleep is not recommended, for anything, never mind sex). It almost sounds like he was hinting at his plans (perhaps hoping you would engage?) but either way you both sound like you aren’t being clear and honest about your feelings, wants and needs. You can decide porn is a boundary for you but you need to communicate that and he can decide to agree and support this boundary or reject it. Neither are wrong. Ask yourself what he could have / should have done in this situation – not withholding relieving himself, that not realistic or fair – and communicate this to him. Other wise it repeats and you’re here all over again. Try something like “pushing me out of the room made me feel rejected, I would prefer …. In the future”. And knock so he has his privacy if you aren’t participating.

  6. dump her.

    also, you should not be respecting her opinions. her opinions are completely insane in the light of science, medicine and everything else the modern world gave us. nobody should be respecting such utter horse crap or giving the time of the day to people who believe it.

  7. She sees a therapist monthly (i think). She's been through a LOT the past year BEFORE I met her. Knowing what I know about that (irrelevant to the above story so not going to share), it would make sense that those events impact the way she feels about herself. Nobody on earth deserves to have happen what happened to her.


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