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Thirsty Thursday!, ?NEW BOY/GIRL VIDEO 95 TK!

11 thoughts on “linda

  1. It’s weird to compare thinking about the life you’re going to bring into the world with compassion with eugenics.

    I have the worst case of genetic angioma in my family. I had 6 now 5 growths on my brain. I’m only alive because I live! in a time with skilled enough surgeons that can remove the growth that was bleeding and grew to the size of a golf ball and because I got lucky that the one that was removed wasn’t in a life threatening/altering part of the brain, like the one behind my eyes.

    I am never, ever having biological children. I am not going to put a child through the pain I went through or worse.

  2. Hello /u/Ben_Solo-Jedi,

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  4. It sounds like the real fear is that you are going to be played for a fool while you are giving genuine affection and not getting anything genuine in return.

    Do you feel like that describes your relationship right now? Cause it doesn't sound like it. So I think you would be able to notice the difference.

    Your intrusive thoughts are making your own brain an unsafe space. It is relying on your bf's presence for reassurance. But what you need to try and do is transfer that reassurance to his love for you, rather than his presence near you after work. His love for you exists, even when he's not there with you. You need to keep telling yourself that you are on his mind, even when he's not around.

  5. Bro she’s in the guard she’s cheating as someone in the guard a lot of these people have what we consider battle boos so if she’s acting off she is off

  6. The only question is: Did you know about those hard pictures of yourself (that they existed)? If not: How came them to be? The only way is that he took these pictures with hidden cameras without your consent. And if he took pictures of you in secret it is quite safe to say that all these other women have no idea about those pictures too – and that your fiance planted cameras at their places.

    If you knew about your pictures (that they existed), it is a safe bet that those other women know too. And that they gave your fiance those pictures of their free will. Which only raises the question why he is sharing nudes with other women when he is in a relationship with you?

    One of these scenarios is criminal and the other is just cheating.

  7. That’s what I’m worried about I don’t want to affect my relationship with brother in-law

  8. My wife and I moved into my wife’s mothers house while we gutted her house,got rid of the black mold problem and upgraded her house. Two yrs there and one of the worst mistakes we ever made. Our two young daughters personalities and happiness were terribly affected by my mil’s hypercritical attitude, along with my wife and my relationship. Years later both daughters are still dealing with some of the problems caused by that time spent with my mil. What it does to your family is not worth any money you save. Move, your families mental health and joy is far more important.


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