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PrettieKatelive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for live! sex video chat PrettieKate

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Birth Date: 1996-05-23

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

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14 thoughts on “PrettieKatelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Flipping her food tray over while she was eating is a scary and humiliating display.

    He always knew her boundaries. He’s reacting with rage because he couldn’t break them.

  2. He claims everyone goes through something like this/gets cheated on but that does not sound right.

    Because it isn't right. He's trying to act like what he did isn't a big deal. He's mad he got caught. This relationship is clearly over whether either of you leaves or not.

  3. Hello /u/YouAreSoSp00ky,

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  4. Hello /u/ThrowRAredbagel277,

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  5. I cannot believe your husband is treating you like this. That is disgusting. He needs therapy and You should not have a baby with him until he has worked on himself.

  6. The issue is that he refuses to just admit that. He’s surprised that his wife doesn’t believe he’s committing and is trustworthy when he doesn’t show he is. He should just leave.

  7. OP, sorry this happened. I'm going to give you some advice I wish someone gave me years ago. When entering a relationship, be honest and upfront about what you want, where you want the relationship to go, and who you are. They may reject you, but if they don't they will be on the same page as you and they will love you for you and not just what you can do for them. Also, after grieving the loss of the relationship, review what you can learn about what you want, what mistakes were made, etc. It will help you in the long run. Good luck out there.

  8. This is a person you need to go No Contact with. That's really irredeemable to do that to someone. She's planted a tiny doubt in your mind – that you didn't want or need – and there's no way to pluck it back out is there? Go see your therapist and talk this out. Do sleuthing if you must – but know whatever she said to you came from wanting to harm you because you couldn't fulfill her needs in that moment. That's not okay. I'd stay far away from her and frankly I'd block all contact with her.

  9. Hey, you’ve gotten plenty of advice. I agree with most of it. So…

    I’m going to offer my services as a big sister. Feel free to hit me up and ask me for some critical opinions, let me know you need support or validation, whatever. This is a series of huge decisions you’re going to be making one after another, so if you even just need someone to vent at, go for it. I got you, girl.


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