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11 thoughts on “richandalfa the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Don't go. If you can't control your behavior like an adult, don't put your body in tempting situations.

  2. I mean she might have made him feel good in the moment but now he’s been put in a position where he’s torn between telling his wife and keeping it from her. He now has to second guess any of this lady’s future actions like is she acting as a friend or is she obsessed with him.

    Poor guy had to come to Reddit to try and sort this out. If she wanted to boost his morale, telling him he’s a good person, great coworker and friend would have been a good place to stop. Noooo reason whatsoever to throw in she’s in love with him.

  3. Hello /u/ThrowAway_26324,

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  4. There are good men and then there are… Children masquerading as men until it's not fun to play pretend anymore

    This hit me like an absolute freight train. Not only have I not been dating for the past few years primarily because of this problem being so common, It's now cropping up in my guy friend's lives and many of them are just miserably unhappy because they're not equal partners in their relationships and they don't want to be. It is a lot of work and they've been supported and cared for by women their whole lives.

    Like they've read all the books about how to be a good dads and how to be a good partners and all of the articles about emotional labor and then just decided…nahhhh, too much work, too much effort. I'd rather stay coasting, and not only that, I want to be appreciated as though I'm the sole breadwinner or the conquering hero. And their own hypocrisy is starting to eat away at them and their wives or girlfriends are starting to resent them.

  5. Look up weaponised incompetence. That's what he's doing.

    You continue to do absolutely everything for him, he'll continue to not do a amn thing. Frankly, he's got a great life so why would he change it.

    You need to discuss him splitting the household tasks otherwise he's going to sit on his arse being treated like a king while you resent him more and more, which will most likely end in a split.

    Good luck.

  6. Sounds like she needs therapy. I don't know if her ex was really controlling or just doing what you're doing. Either way, she is in denial that a friend of her's is an a-hole.

  7. Very good point. Im going to see them both in a couple days so can discuss it there. Im fine with any stuff with other guys, just not sexually with him only, but apart from that i dont mind. There would definitely be more attention on the girl, but as far as i can tell based on what shes told me about him aswell as him proposing the offer as 'you two or us three' i dont think it will end up being a problem. Becasue we're all such good mates, i think even if the friendship between us all was damaged, i think it would revive with time. I dont really know where barriers stand at the moment because i havent gone into huge detail about it with them so i will whem i see them and further consider it. Thank you for the words homie appreciate ya x


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