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Room for live sex video chat RobbXl_cam

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14 thoughts on “RobbXl_camlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I don't believe him friends that claim 100+ partners, I think that is BS. More isn't better. Sex should be special. An “open” relationship will almost certainly destroy your relationship. Make the best of what you have.

  2. Hello /u/Sufficient-Role6844,

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  4. have you talked to him about how you feel after sex? its reasonable for him to not want his cat to feel lonely, and you cant expect him to read your mind. if you ever think he should just be able to see or sense that you are sad you need to shut down that kind of thinking within yourself right away. its not fair to your partner to resent him for not acting in a situation he doesnt know is happening.

  5. Point out that as the breadwinner you think it’s fair they all get a third or would he prefer his child to get less than that since it’s mainly your money

  6. Well yeah she used to be very fat and unnatractive, but now she's really beautiful and everyone there could see she was clearly not ugly.

    plus she lives in my house rent free and I never complain about that? so maybe she could agree with me once in a while because I definitely think she's overreacting and trying to make a scene about something that was clearly just a funny joke

  7. Is this one of these bro-code violations bullshit?

    There is nothing wrong in sleeping with someone's ex. Just because a woman used to be somebody's girlfriend doesn't mean you need to ask his permission to have sex with her.

  8. You don't have to have the same interests as your long term partner, but you should definitely share the same values. It doesn't look like the two of you are compatible in that respect.

  9. Thanks for the insight. You make a really good point if that’s him when he’s sad then idk what he’ll do when he’s angry.

  10. Thank you for this!!!! I know that’s how it was when my parents were growing up. You lived at home with your parents until you got married and left lol. But now a days, a lot of people my age think it’s taboo or odd. I think it could make a relationship stronger honestly

  11. Thank you. I will follow your suggestion as well and try it. Really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

  12. OP gave them permission to still be friends because the chick said she won't fall futher inlove with her husband! So she thinks it's okay.

    Jesus am i in the twilight zone???

  13. IQ is totally meaningless, and eternally shifting. Intelligence doesn't work that way. If any of them joined MENSA they are suckers and dipshits

    Those “jokes” about you only getting good grades “because you're hot” are bullshit, and shouldn't be tolerated. If your boyfriend isn't shutting them down, then he either agrees with them, or is more worried about them thinking he's cool than your feelings. Take that as you will.


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