Victoria Conor online sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “Victoria Conor online sex chats for YOU!

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  3. I respectfully think it was wrong to lie and hide the relationship due to financial reasons.

    I do have to say your Mom is throwing a tantrum similar to a 5-year-old threatening to “run away”/“throw up” if she doesn’t get what she wants. As hot as it is, I would not give this attention behavior or enable more of it.

    I think it will be a process, but they may come around eventually. You’re obviously not killing her or causing her any mental illness, let her know she is doing this to herself. Same with your dad, treat them like kindergardeners for now, because honestly how they are behaving – tell them you will speak to them when they have calmed down and will be nice with you.

    It’s always easier to say all this as a third party perspective, there are a lot of emotions involved when parents act like this towards someone who we have grown with and love.

    They probably grew up with the same cultural stereotypes, but it doesn’t excuse them from acting this way. Be firm with them.

    Wish you the best of luck!

  4. Absolutely not. Condoms are ultra thin, he feels everything just fine. This is just another guy not wanting to take any responsibility.

  5. I think your gut feeling is spot on. Have you met or know anything about his girlfriend? I wonder if she knows anything about you or how he’s actively pushing to get close to you again.

    Up to you if you want to remain his friend or not, but definitely lay down some boundaries with him about what’s okay and what’s not cool to do.

  6. This is the healthiest relationship you've ever been in? yeesh.

    This guy is controlling and really weird. Get out ASAP

  7. He's totally entitled to have it look however he wants BUT she's allowed to not be sexually attracted to someone who looks like he's got some creepy shit happening on the side. I would never kiss my husband again if he decided to go the moustache route, they're repulsive to me

  8. Oh yea..u r so right..I could on-line happily forever if I never saw that thing anywhere near my mouth. That was my ex noyfriends idea of sex

  9. Dude, she’s fucking emotionally abusive. Do not marry this woman. It sounds like she just wants someone to piss on.

  10. the honesty just came out of me ? I feel like most women experience this at some point to some degree. like no..boy bye.

    u/spinachmuffin please OP listen to the ex and your flatmate. before you know it he will be impossible to get rid of. he will live! in your home and off your resources and use your resources to see other women. it can also grow volatile when he doesn’t get his way. just dangerous in the long run…men like this are unhinged. main reason why I kept it brutal and unfiltered in my first comment…I knew something would have to resonate or correlate with you and your situation.

    the ex is telling the truth…she was his home. don’t do it to yourself or your flatmate. he will begin to show his true colours sooner than later. just pay attention for it. it’s all a ruse.

  11. I know it's easier said than done, but maybe you could try and think of it as expanding your human experience to grow and learn. We all stay in our echo chambers a lot of the time, but thinking of people as people, rather than their political viewpoints really helps. Look for common ground -as humans we all want essentially the same things. Often feeling out of place is an internal mindset rather than the reality of the situation.

    I do understand it is naked though, personally I'd struggle in a room full of very conservative people talking politics! If you still can't connect if you give the open mind trick a go, it's ok to limit time spent with them.

  12. You need to forget about this man and these embryos

    He is never gonna get on board, but you absolutely should NOT use these embryos either

    Children are two yesses one no and he said no, so its morally wrong to use these embryos

    Divorce and find someone else or use a sperm donor


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